Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Extra Words

Ź rescue [ `rEskyU ] n.

Ź landfill [ `lAnd:fIl ] n.

Ź leftover [ `lEft:ovK ] n.

Ź protein-rich [ :protin`rItS ] a.

Ź moat [ mot ] n.

(^) It (^) s unlikely we will reach our destination on time
(^) Louis came up with a good solution
(^) However hard it tried,
A. because we are stuck in the traffic.
B. to the problem after a while.
C. the bird couldn t escape from the cage.
D. the math problem was solved in no time.
You Can Do This^
Tips in Use^
(^) one-third
(^) one, two, three, ...
(^) a half (^) one half
Two-thirds of the Earth is covered by water.
7KUHH¿IWKV of the students in my class wear
As a result of the accident, Judy s grandmother
can only move one half of her body.
Words & Phrases

  1. unlikely [ Vn`lZIklI ] a.
    it is unlikely + that
    It^ s unlikely that the disease will be transferred
    from animals to humans.

(^) * transfer [ trAns`fR ] vt.
(^) 2. solve [ salv ] vt.
This problem is too difficult for me to solve.

  1. thankfully [ `HAGkfJlI ] adv.
    Thankfully, it didn t rain during our weekend

  2. insect [ `InsEkt ] n.
    I didn t notice that I got an insect bite until Jill
    told me.

  3. medicine [ `mEdJsJn ] n.
    Remember to take this medicine four times a

  4. handle [ `hAndL ] vt.
    = deal with...
    When Paul didn^ t know how to handle the
    situation, he turned to Barbara for help.

  5. escape from...
    The movie is about how several prisoners
    successfully escaped from prison.

Claire escapes from pressures from work by
listening to music.

  1. a / the solution to...
    solution [ sJ`luSJn ] n.
    We had a meeting for a whole day, but we still
    couldn^ t figure out a solution to the problem.

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