Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Young Formosan Black Bear

to Be Returned to the Wild


ust overa year after it was found near a waterfall in Hualien County, a young Formosan black bear has been
released^1 back into the wild. To celebrate the bear’s return to the wild, a lovely bear-themed artwork has been
created as part of a campaign for the species’ conservation^2.

Arice paddy^3 art project in Yuli Township presented the image of a giant Formosan black bear. From the air,

the cartoonish bear can be seen very clearly. The Taiwan Black Bear Conservation Association (TBBCA) hopes this

organicalllly^4 farmed artwork will bring attention to conservation of the endangered^5 species. Taiwan’s Formosan

black bear population is between 300 and 600 individuals now. While there is a long way to go^6 in conservation

H൵RUWVWKHrelease^1 of this young cub brings hope for the species.



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1.release ŜrI`lisŞvt.ħn.ភܹ
After 10 years in prison, the prisoner was
released this morning.
The release of white doves is a tradition at
some weddings.
2.conservation Ŝ"kansK`veSJnŞn.Ȟސଢ଼ේ้ޟȟ߳ى
3 .rice paddyŜ`rZIs:pAdIŞn.ግҤ
4 .organicallyŜOr`gAnIkJlIŞadv.ԤᐠӴ
5 .endangeredŜIn`dendjKdŞa.ᛔᖝ๘ᆍޟ
6 .a long way to goȁȁޟߝ࡞ၯौٖȂ࡞ӻώհौୈ
Allen and Lisa have a long way to go before
they are ready to get married.

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