Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1


J: Joy M: Morton

Joy and Morton work at a warehouse

. One
day when they are at work, something happens.

J: OK, this is the last box we need to move.

M: Oh, great. Since that s only one box, I think
I can just carry it.

J: There s no need. You can still use the
if you

M: Oh, ouch. I think I hurt myself.

J: Are you OK? Be careful and make sure
you keep your back straight when you re

M: Yeah, I^ P¿QH,ZDVin too much of a
rush^1. OK, I got it.

J: OK, be careful...

minute later Joy hears a loud sound.)

M: Ahhh!

J: Are you all right?! What happened?

wet^3 here and I didn^ t see it.

J: Oh, no. It looks like you had a bad fall. Did
you injure^4 yourself?

M: I landed^5 on my hand, so my wrist^6 is a
little sore^7 ... Shoot, I hope I didn t sprain^8
or break it.

J: You should get that checked out. Let s go
time to go see the doctor.

M: Well, the good news is nothing in the box
got broken!

J: It s good that you have a sense of humor
about this situation, but let s go make sure
you UH2.¿UVW

Dialogue A


2019 / 9 / 10


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