Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
It takes a lot of (advice / imagination / personality) to
be a science fiction writer.
Alisa (focused / graduated / delivered) a box filled
with books to her best friend.
The (rapid / creative / political) spread of SARS left
the whole city in a state of panic.

You Can Do This^

Tips in Use

bring...to life
come to life

The director brought the story to life on the big

The writer really knows how to bring her
characters to life.

The writer made the magic world she created
come to life for her readers.

Words & Phrases^

(^) 1. rapid [ `rApId ] a.
The rapid development of space technology
enables us to explore its secrets.

  • explore [ IksplOr ] vt. & vi. (^) 2. master [mAstK ] a.
    The master chef created a fancy dish out of
    simple ingredients.
    (^) * ingredient [ In`gridIJnt ] n.

  1. imagination [ I:mAdjJ`neSJn ] n.
    Use your imagination and see if you can come
    up with a better idea.

  2. graduate [ `grAdjU:et ] vi.
    Mary successfully found a well-paying job after
    she graduated from college.

  3. focus sb^ s attention on...^

You should focus your attention on your work.

  1. deliver [ dI`lIvK ] vt.
    The president delivered a speech to the whole
    nation this morning.

  2. creative [ krI`etIv ] a.
    A creative writer is never afraid of running out
    of ideas.

(^) 8. straight [ stret ] adv.
As soon as we arrived in Tokyo, we went
straight to the hotel.
Extra Words
Ź epic [ EpIk ] a. & n.
Ź (^) fantasy [ fAntJsI ] n. Ź science fiction [ "sZIJns (^)fIkSJn ] n.
Ź script [ skrIpt ] n.
When you play the game of thrones, you
win or you die. There is no middle ground.
Chaos isn t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.
A mind needs books like a sword needs a
Never forget what you are. The rest of the
world will not. Make it your strength. Then
it can never be your weakness. Wear it like
armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
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