Ivy League Enjoy English 常春藤生活英語 – 八月 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Extra Words

Ź stunt [ stVnt ] n.
Ź celebrity [ sJ`lEbrJtI ] n.
Ź look-alike [ `lUkJ"lZIk ] n.
Ź decoy [ `dikOI ] n.

After high school,

(^) I happened to be at the scene
In that situation
A. it is best that you stay calm.
B. since I was always away from home.
C. most of the students will probably go to college.
D. when the accident happened.
You Can Do This^
Tips in Use
(^) obvious [ `abvIJs ]
apparently clearly
Words & Phrases^

  1. monster [ `manstK ] n.

The little boy had trouble sleeping because
he thought there were monsters in his


  1. happen to V

Mary and her husband happened to have
been born on the same day.

(^) 3. alike [ J`lZIk ] a. & adv.
Rob and John are from the same region,
which is why their accents are alike.

  • accent [ `AksEnt ] n.

  1. performance [ pK`fOrmJns ] n.

performer [ pK`fOrmK ] n.

perform [ pK`fOrm ] vt. & vi.^

The performer s wonderful performance
really touched everyone at the scene.

The singer performed her latest hit song on
a famous talk show.

  1. extreme [ Ik`strim ] a.

Bill likes to play extreme sports in his free

  1. be in harm^ s way^

Dean promised to do everything he could to
not let his children be in harm^ s way.

  1. situation [ "sItSU`eSJn ] n.

Gabe decided to take action before the
situation got worse.

  1. probably [ `prabJblI ] adv.

Since you are not feeling so well, it is
probably best that you call in sick today.

This apartment is obviously too
expensive for Kent.

Sasha is apparently married because she

Clearly, Sue has good taste in

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