Farmer’s Weekly – 30 August 2019

(Amelia) #1

farming. And again, it is vital that
platforms like MyFarmWeb are
in place to present the results of
this data in an understandable
and useable form to their users.
“The faster you can make
farm management decisions
and the more accurate these
decisions, the lower the risks
for the agribusiness,” he says.
“An added benefit of the
MyFarmWeb platform is that if
the farmer is still confused or
unsure about the information
being presented by the platform,
this information can be quickly
shared, via the Internet or other
digital means, with fellow
farmers, agricultural consultants
and other knowledgeable people
for them to consider and then
respond to the farmer with
any advice they may have.”
In both the near and far
future for precision farming
in South Africa are a host
of further advances in the
relevant technologies.
MyFarmWeb will soon
integrate with what De Vries
describes as the “revolutionary”
Verde remote sensing and
processing solution, designed and

A further benefitofthis
system is thatincreasingly
informative interpretationsof
the biophysicalparametersare
being developedforspecific
crops, and thatMyFarmWeb
users can accessformeaningful
and precise information– down
to a particulargridwithina
single field – tomakebetter

The Verde resultscanlocate
areas of stresswithina crop,and
guide the farmeroragricultural
consultant totheexactspotfor
what the causeis.A targeted
and appropriateresolutionofthe
stress problemis thenpossible.

Keeping tabs
on resources
De Vries explainsthatother
precision agriculturetechnologies
being developedforlinking
toMyFarmWebincludea day-
willenablea farmertoremotely
a trackertomonitorthe

CROPS Precision Agriculture

‘The fasTer
you can make
decisions, The
lower The risk’

Images generated
by drones, manned
aircraft and
satellites can be
used to identify
stressed crop
plants in a field for
further ground-
level investigation
and treatment
by the farmer.

during their allocated tasks; a
smart layer yield map that can
monitor variations in crop yields
between mapped grids within
a field during harvesting; and
the wireless transmission of
data to in-field farm machinery
and equipment, such as auto-
steer tractors, and variable rate
seeders, fertilisers, sprayers and
irrigation systems, to instruct
them with the likes of exactly
when, where and how much to
apply of the relevant input.
“There is also a service being
developed for MyFarmWeb
that can monitor levels in all of
a farm’s water resources and
pressures in associated pumping,
water transfer and application
infrastructure. And then there
is a weather-monitoring service
to help a farmer plan and
manage for weather-dependent
activities, and a service for
monitoring and comparing the
brix content and general quality
of the fruit in horticulture
operations and packhouses.”
Key to maximising the potential
and benefits of every existing
and future precision agriculture
technology is having the
developers and suppliers of these
technologies be willing to partner
with central data management
platforms, like MyFarmWeb.
This negates the need for the
farmer to undertake the time-
consuming, laborious and often
confusing task of jumping
from one company’s website
to another’s to access, analyse
and interpret the relevant data
before being able to come to an
informed management decision.
Fortunately, most precision
agriculture technology
companies are willing to link
their products to a central data
management platform for the

  • PhoneErikdeVrieson
    021300 0543, email info@, or visit

  • This information is from
    a presentation at Laeveld
    Agrochem’s 2019 Seil Safari,
    held from 1 to 5 April. ▪FW

40 farmer’sweekly 30 August 2019

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