The Caravan Club – September 2019

(Frankie) #1


60 September 2019 Caravan and Motorhome Club Magazine

The extra mile

M y w h o l e f a m i l y w i s h to te l l h o w ve r y
professional and helpful the site staff
a t C a m b r i d g e C h e r r y H i nto n C l u b s i te
have been.
My youngest grandson of nine
months, Max, was emergency
admitted to Addenbrooke’s Hospital
and we needed to get into a nearby
caravan site to create a base for the
family to visit and stay overnight,
including Max’s mum and dad as they
could only use the parent overnight
facility for two nights.
I tried to book online but the site
was full for most of the nights we
n e e d e d , s o I c a l l e d t h e s i te a s s o o n a s
the office opened and once I explained
the situation I was told that “we’ll find
you somewhere – just come and we’ll
s o r t i t w h e n yo u a r r i ve .”
This was brilliant for us as they not
only kept a pitch as close to the
entrance as possible but they told us
they would ensure we could use it
for as long as we needed as we
didn’t know when/if Max would be
discharged. This gave us a base for
family members to use for any
overnight stays and day-time resting
while waiting for progress on Max’s
Please ensure they get recognition
for this extraordinary service, they
were brilliant.
Max has been discharged,
although he needs another operation,
but he is now on the road to recovery.
John Flowerdew and family,
via email

On manoeuvres

I just wanted to say many, many thanks
to Vaughan for a brilliant Club
motorhome manoeuvring course.
To say that I was apprehensive
b efo re h a n d i s a n u n d e r s t a te m e nt.
We are brand new to the motorhome
fraternity, having bought our first
vehicle in March this year. We hadn’t
even had a trial run in one before and
just decided to go for it!
M y b et te r h a l f i s a c o nf i d e nt d r i ve r
and I have been happy to let him take
the lead, and I’ve also been somewhat
reluctant when he has said, “Do you
fancy a drive?” Although I did once
pluck up the courage to drive about
three miles from home, then wimped
out! The course has changed
everything. I would have snorted if
anyone had told me that I would be
driving in and out of cones, in reverse as
well as forwards, or feeling very relaxed
and chilled driving round the streets of
Evesham. After the course I rang my
husband and told him I was driving
home and would see him in about
3 0 m i n u te s. I t to o k m e 4 0 b e c a u s e
I got lost, but I loved every minute!
We are planning our next trip to the
Lakes – and guess who is driving?
Ruth Dyson, via email

Editor’s comment: If, like Ruth, you
would like some expert tuition in
driving a motorhome (or towing a
caravan), then book a manoeuvring
course at one of our 16 locations
across the UK – see
training for more details.

By the book

While on holiday at Bromyard Downs
Club site, my husband and I had our
usual visit to the information hut. While
I was looking at the leaflets, he was
rummaging through a shelf of
second-hand books. He came away
with a book on how to build a garden
pond, which surprised me as he had
never mentioned wanting one before!
By the time we returned home he
had convinced me it was a good idea
to install a wildlife pond. We now have
a lovely little pond and are planning to
c o m p l e m e nt i t w i t h a w i l d f l o w e r a re a.
My husband has started to build a bug
house and has aspirations to put a
hedgehog hibernation shelter under
a bush. All this came about because
of a book found by chance in the
information hut, and the best of it is the
g a r d e n w i l l b e l o w - m a i nte n a n c e s o w e
won’t have to curtail our motorhome

h o l i d a y s to d o m o re g a r d e n i n g. O n to p
of that the frogs and hedgehogs in our
a re a w i l l b e h a p p y. A w i n - w i n s i t u a t i o n
I think, so thank you to the person who
left the book in the hut!
Penny Barnard, Hampshire

H a v i n g j u s t re a d t h e l et te r f ro m P ete r
and Victoria Jones (‘Wish list’,
August issue), I had to check to
make sure that my wife or I had not
written it. We have been banging
this drum [for proper armchairs and
a fixed bed layout] ever since
fixed-bed models became available.
We h a ve b e e n l o o k i n g to c h a n g e o u r
existing van for a shorter transverse
bed option but to no avail. I have
asked manufacturers and dealers
but with no success. The normal
response is that market research has
shown little demand.
Colin and Anne Daultrey, via email

Armchair fans

Upon arriving at Poolsbrook Country Park Club site we were intrigued by the
large green empty box sitting outside the facilities block. Over the next two
days it was transformed into a wonderful herb garden.
I would like to say a big well done to the staff on this site for providing us
with such a fantastic facility. The thought, imagination and sheer hard work
t h a t w e nt i nto b u i l d i n g t h i s h e r b g a r d e n w a s m u c h a p p re c i a te d.
We have visited a few Club sites with herb gardens and I must say that
we always try to incorporate a handful of herbs into our culinary delights
w h e reve r p o s s i b l e. I t i s a p l e a s u re to v i s i t s i te s w h e re i t i s o b v i o u s t h a t t h e
staff look after their domain to such a high standard.
At Poolsbrook there were also plenty of hanging baskets and tubs around
the site which were flowering beautifully.
Louise and Richard Reeve, West Yorkshire

Hob protector

I was very interested to read your Ask Your Club article in the July issue on
glass hob cover failures.
Although we’ve not experienced inadvertently turning the knobs on our gas
hob on in our Bailey Autograph 68-2 motorhome, we very rarely use the gas or
electric rings after buying an electric kettle. As a result we use the hob cover
more as a work surface, but I was concerned that it would get scratched or
even broken if anything fell out of the top cupboards.
So, I need to protect it. I found an acrylic worktop saver on Amazon – there
are three sizes in various colours and I found the large size totally covered the
hob. I put a sheet of non-slip drawer liner under it and it doesn’t move.
During transit I slip the acrylic worktop saver down inside the side of the
wardrobe just in case it slips off while travelling. This is one of the best items
we have purchased for our motorhome and the glass cover on our hob is in
p r i s t i n e c o n d i t i o n. H o p e t h i s m a y b e o f i nte re s t.
Jane Matthews, via email

Herbal remedy

Free download pdf