MASK The Magazine – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
V9 - FALL 11


ids are pressured, stressed and challenged by the ever-
changing landscape they navigate in today’s world. As
parents, we do our best to teach them right from wrong,
give them the consequences resulting from their choices,
and love them through the storms they encounter.
Parenting in itself is a full-time, overtime job. If we miss
teaching our kids the emotional side of preparing for
life, then we are missing a very crucial piece in the
parenting puzzle.
It’s important for us to help our children identify
feelings. Not just happy, sad or mad, but a more in-depth
understanding of what they are feeling and why. From there, we
can help them label it, own it and feel it, so they can deal with
what they are facing. 
Incorporate emotional elements into conversations and role-
play scenarios with them by asking, “How do you think you would
feel if this or that happened to you?” or “What would you feel like
during, what would you feel like after, and how would you process
your feelings and emotions through it?” By attaching feelings to
situations and consequences, we can help strengthen what we are

trying to teach them, while preparing them to emotionally deal
with what comes their way.
In today’s rapid-speed, instant gratification world, our kids
are more emotionally, mentally and physically at risk. So it’s more
important than ever to check in with them, validate what they are
feeling, and provide them with tools to handle and process their
feelings and choices, especially when they make mistakes.
Mistakes can be used as teachable moments, but there could
be a time when we react in ways that may cause more damage
than the actual “mistake” they made.
So what does that mean for us as parents? It’s not easy, but it
means we have to first learn how to identify and handle our own
emotions so we can model healthy and productive expression of
feelings. When we can do this, as well as model healthy living, we
are teaching and preparing our children for the challenges and
choices they will inevitably face.

Kimberly Cabral
Founder / Publisher



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