MASK The Magazine – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
// Contributor
Joe Cardini has spent his entire
professional career in the corporate
employee relocation industry.
For the past 12 years, he has served
as President of Bristol Global
Mobility, a worldwide provider
of global relocation services
( Originally from
Connecticut, Joe and his family
relocated to Scottsdale in 2001. He
has been married to his high school
sweetheart Michelle for 28
years. They are the proud
parents of Amanda (25), Joseph
(22) and Cristina (18).

// Contributor
Michelle Cardini is the Co-Founder
and Marketing Manager at MASK,
where she plays an integral role
in developing student and parent
programs, including Parent
University, which she has presented
to audiences throughout the
Valley and as a media guest on
local news stations. Michelle has
been married to her high school
sweetheart Joe for 28 years, and
loves nothing more than being
the mother of her three children,
Amanda, Joseph and Cristina.

V9 - FALL 15

// Contributor
Jim Prueter has been writing about
cars since 1993. Besides MASK,
his work has appeared in The
Chicago Tribune, Detroit News,
Road & Track, Popular Mechanics,
and more than 50 automotive
publications and websites, as well
as numerous national and local
TV stations including ABC, CBS,
NBC and others. Originally from
Michigan, Jim has personally owned
more than 100 vehicles. He lives in
Phoenix with his two rescue dogs.

// Contributor

Dr. Aaron Krasnow is the Associate
Vice President of Health &
Counseling Services at Arizona
State University. He specializes
in depression, anxiety, suicide
prevention and mental health
promotion. He received his
Ph.D. in clinical psychology from
Clark University in Worcester,
Massachusetts. He is also an
Arizona-licensed psychologist.

// Contributor
Katey McPherson is the mother
of four daughters and a veteran
educator serving for the last
24 years as a secondary school
teacher, counselor, and PK-
administrator. Katey’s educational
career focus is on student social-
emotional wellness, youth mental
health initiatives, social justice, and
digital citizenship/social media
responsibility. Katey currently
serves as a West Coast Associate of
Hazard, Young & Attea Associates.

// Contributor

Dr. Dena Cabrera is a licensed
clinical psychologist, certified eating
disorder specialist, and clinical
director at Rosewood Centers for
Eating Disorders. She has treated
hundreds of women and teens
struggling with eating and body
image issues. A well-known expert,
speaker and author, Dr. Cabrera
has spoken at national conferences
and workshops on eating disorders,
and is the author of “The Mom in
the Mirror: Body Image, Beauty
and Life After Pregnancy.”

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