Military Illustrated Modeller – September 2019

(Frankie) #1

 Military Illustrated Modeller - September 2019

Once I’d installed the rudder in its place, I applied all the
masks that the sword insignia were composed of.

I also sealed all adjacent areas with pieces of masking
tape in order to protect them from overspraying.

Using tweezers, I removed the tape from those surfaces
that were to be painted.

Five seconds of painting... ...was followed by careful removal of the masks. The result required a little retouching, but overall I
was satisfied with it.

The masks for the
national insignia were
home-made using
OLFA’s compass cutter.

I applied a layer of Tamiya XF-7
‘Red’, and subsequently added
some discolouration with a
mixture of the base colour and
Hataka C208 ‘Desert Beige’.
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