Military Illustrated Modeller – September 2019

(Frankie) #1
Aircraft Edition 

To rest a bit from masking, I painted the engine. I sprayed a layer
of black primer over those parts that were to be painted with
metal colours, whilst the remaining details were primed in grey.

The exhaust manifold
was basecoated with
AK-Interactive AK485
‘Pale Burnt Metal’.
I then added some
discolouration with
AK484 ‘Burnt Metal’.

The valve lifters were given a
coat of AK-Interactive AK481
‘Polished Aluminium’.

The cylinder were airbrushed with a layer of AK-Interactive AK476
‘Steel’. To create some highlights, I sprayed tiny amounts of AK479
‘Aluminium’ over the most exposed surfaces.

The latter was also applied over the electrical
installation housing. The engine nose cover was painted
in different grey tones from the Hataka’s Orange Line.

The electrical wiring itself was
brush-painted with a mixture of
beige and bronze from Vallejo.

To enhance the
engine detail, I
used a mixture of
ABT002 ‘Sepia’ oil
and ABT113 ‘Fast
Dry Thinner’ from
Abteilung 502.

The last step was to
put together all the
previously painted parts
and sub-assemblies.

At this stage, I decided to add some damage to the paint layer on the
anti-glare panel. I first scratched the surface with brass-bristled scratch
brush from Green Stuff World.

More intense damage was created with the sharp end of tweezers. Finally, I rubbed the surface with a bundle of steel wool.
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