Military Illustrated Modeller – September 2019

(Frankie) #1

 Military Illustrated Modeller - September 2019

SHOW REPORT Australian Model Expo 2019

The Editor prowls the aisles of Australia’s

biggest model show, the Australian Model

Expo held in Melbourne during June 2019.


he Australian Model Expo is held every
Queen’s Birthday long weekend at
the Sandown racetrack in southeast
suburban Melbourne. The large room
was packed full this year, reflecting the mass
of competition and display models.
Although the bulk were aircraft models,
there was an impressive selection of military
and figure and kits in competition too.
The standard of competition models
was very high, including some imaginative
dioramas and vignettes. In addition to the
record competition entries, the venue was also
swelled by many themed club displays from
Victorian model and special interest clubs.
Traders were at full capacity as well, with
many familiar companies and some new
names appearing on the tables.

Also at the show this year were sprues
from Wingnut Wings’ forthcoming 1:32 scale
Lancaster and Handley Page O/400 kits.
The doors opened officially at 11:00 am
on Saturday, and the crowds streamed in.
It was pleasing to see a large number of
families and young people examining the
Expo also always offers a welcome
opportunity to catch up with old friends and
new acquaintances.
If you are an Australian local or visiting
during early June, the Melbourne Model Expo
is well worth a visit. U

Thanks to the Model Expo Committee
and members for their famous Melbourne
hospitality during my brief visit.

Tables were filled
with display
and competition

Various tutorials
were on offer.

Red Roo Models
had a number
of new releases
available for sale.

Judges busy
with their work
after hours.
The Swap and Sell was packed
out on Monday morning.
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