Men’s Journal – September 2019

(Romina) #1



Okay, so you know a few things. You know you love

her, and you want to spend your life with her.

You know that your love is real, and honest, and true.

You know the importance of a vow. And you know you

want to put a diamond ring on her finger.

But then, there are all of those things you don’t know, like
what style of ring to choose and how big the diamond should

be. And you’re probably stressing about the 4Cs: carat
weight, cut, color and clarity.

Searching for an engagement ring shouldn’t be stressful—it
should be one of life’s great joys—and Forevermark is here
to make things easy for you. The brand ensures that all of

their diamonds are beautiful, rare and responsibly sourced,
and less than 1% of all of the diamonds in the world meet the

requirements to become a Forevermark diamond.

When your diamond is inscribed with the
Forevermark Icon and its unique identification
number, you’ll know that the ring is uniquely
yours and one that you can feel proud to wear.
At 1/5000th the depth of a human hair, the
Forevermark inscription is invisible to the naked
eye—but remains forever a reminder of your
diamond’s superior quality, making it worthy of
representing of your bond and commitment to
one another.

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