Men’s Journal – September 2019

(Romina) #1
do don the blindfold and join hands with
my 17 comrades.
We’re led to the woods, each of us
utterly dependent on the man ahead of us
and responsible for the one behind. When
I signed up for the NWTA, I was down
for a weekend of exploring a more evolved
brand of masculinity. This def initely
wasn’t what I’d envisioned.

THIS IS HOW it starts: On a Friday
afternoon, I pull up outside a low-slung
cinder-block building for the f irst day of
the retreat. A rangy dude in a cowboy hat
is the f irst sign that the weekend is not
going to be as cozy as I expected. After I
park, he approaches and wordlessly stares,
as if he’s a drill sergeant already angry at
me. Seriously? I think.

examination and growth for guys who are
struggling with what it means to be a man,
and 24 hours in, things have been going
pretty well. But now the retreat leaders
want us to blindfold ourselves and get
naked—that is, absent religious or “other”
objections. Actually, I do have one: I don’t
want to. So I keep my underwear on, but I

DON’T WANT TO take off
my shorts. I’m standing
w it h 17 ot her g uys at a con-
ference center in rural West
Virginia, where the New
Warrior Training Adventure (NWTA) is
underway. The weekend-long retreat is
designed to spark opportunities for self-

A new generation of men-only retreats has emerged to help guys
get in touch with their feelings. Are they helpful or hogwash?

Bonding in the



024 SEPTEMBER 2019 MEN’S JOURNAL illustrations by ZOHAR LAZAR


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