Men’s Journal – September 2019

(Romina) #1

Basic Pushup
From a high plank,
keeping spine straight
with elbows veering out slightly,
drop down toward the floor,
either touching chest to ground
or a few inches away, elbows
bent at least 90 degrees.


Pushups are a serious upper-body exercise, so prep for it as you would any other big
workout. If you don’t, it can cause the chest to take on a disproportionate amount of the
work instead of spreading the effort to the core, says New York–based trainer Chris
Ryan. Start with shoulder rotations. Stand tall and hold a PVC pipe or a resistance band
with a wide grip, arms locked out and straight down. Rotate shoulders and draw hands
up and over head to the butt, then back again. And do some core rotational stretches,
too. Try lying on your back with knees bent and slowly drawing legs from side to side.


USHUPS ARE the ultimate
adapter exercise. They can
be done anywhere. They
recruit more than half the
muscles in the upper body,
as well as much of the core. And they’re
safe to do. Turns out, they’re also a mea-
surement of overall health.
A study in the Journal of the American
Medical Association Open Network showed
that the number of pushups a guy can crank
out in one minute is a predictor of cardiac
problems later in life. Researchers asked
1,104 f iref ighters, all men, to perform as
many pushups as they could in one minute.
Then they compared the results to mark-
ers of heart health. Those who amassed 40
or more (155 participants) were 96 percent
less likely to get cardiovascular disease than


This move has been called the perfect exercise. Now we’ve got news for you: Becoming proficient
in them just might extend your life. by JESSICA MIGALA


Warm up, then choose a set of moves
based on fitness (beginner, intermedi-
ate, advanced). Do 10 to 25 reps of
each move, and 3 to 5 total sets. Rest
as needed. Do this 4 or 5 times a week.
As you progress, level up the variations
and shorten rest times.

those who did 10 or fewer (75 guys). Most of
the f iref ighters—389 of them—fell into the
21 to 30 pushup range, meaning they did a
pushup about every two seconds.
Why pushups? It’s both their simplicity
(everyone knows them; they require zero
equipment) and that they test strength
and cardio capacity. “This was a quick
and dirty assessment of the robustness of
someone’s health and functional status,”
says study aut hor Stefanos N. Kales, M.D.,
at Harvard Medical School. His team tried
using a treadmill stress test, but it ended
up being less accurate, and participants
had to go to a cardiologist’s off ice to do it.
Sure, you read this and resolve to toil
away endlessly at the basic pushup. It’s a
legit workout, but it will get boring.
“Variations emphasize and challenge

different areas of the chest, shoulders, and
core,” says Cris Dobrosielski, a San Diego–
based trainer and author of Going the Dis-
tance. He designed the nine-move routine
on the following pages to shift stress areas
and keep things interesting. Do a base-
line pushup test, then get to work. Retest
monthly, aiming to improve capacity. This
is one case in which more is more.


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