Australian Mountain Bike – August 01, 2019

(Barry) #1






How can something be so close and yet so far out
of reach? This sentiment shared by so many riders
makes it near impossible to move through the
race paddock without discussing it in one form or
another. Most discuss it without speaking, sharing
for a moment the camaraderie of other riders in
the same circumstance. Each one understands the
frustration of the other, isolated in their feelings,
while surrounded by the most passionate cycling
fans in the world. A nation already in love with
cycling is again both captivated and astonished,
revelling in the feats of its compatriots that seem
almost alien like.
I would nearly have to agree that these feats
seem almost alien, accomplished by beings that
work to a different set of physics than what we
are held accountable too, that is if it wasn’t for a
French Flag pinned to each one of these “aliens”
jerseys. If you’re not sure what I’m rambling on
about, please stop reading this and go watch the
replay from the latest round of the DH World Cup in
Les Gets, France.
Surrounded by thousands of half tipsy baguette
munchers, Loic and Amaury rode down that hill

like they were working to a different set of physics
than everyone else. I, along with everyone else was
struck by the skill that was on display that day.
To only look at the result sheets doesn’t do these
rides justice, the pace was truly visible to the naked
eye, there was no stopwatch needed. The reaction
to this seemed wholly appropriate, huge respect
and love to the people who put on such a show,
and as it’s a race against the clock, the reaction
from other riders is different to if it was bar to bar
What I’m beginning to wonder is when that
unspoken sentiment, so close yet so far, will
manifest itself into action. I love France and its
people, but one thing is for sure, I don’t like seeing
them win so much, and the gap between their
riders is large enough that anyone else winning
seems unlikely which really is disheartening. It’s a
known unknown, it will happen at some point, but
predicting who? Exactly. (I really hope I am proved
wrong by the time this goes to print!)
Elite riders don’t like losing, and each one, no
matter their nationality, will be doing their utmost
to change this pattern that seems to be getting

more established by the hour. But really, what
about the love shared by non-Frenchies post-race
for France? I get it, it was a great track, the people
supporting, the atmosphere, the location, the race
against the clock not the competitor, it was hard
to not get a little punch-drunk from all the hits
France was delivering. Even now I am feeling a
little envious, in fact a bit more than envious, I’m
outright jealous. How have the French got it so
Australia is a sport loving nation, it has produced
some of the World’s best mountain bikers, its
supporter base is as passionate as any other, bike
sales are equal too, or better than most other
nations per capita so why aren’t we seeing events
in Australia full of supporters, full of competitors
and mainstream media coverage?
The French success In Les Gets should offer a
mirror to which we can gauge our own success
in supporting future world-conquering talent,
their governing body has created an environment
through competition and training to nurture and
produce future champions, in-turn inspiring
the next generation. What has our governing
body done for us? It’s time to start legitimately
having this conversation, MTBA has dissolved our
national racing scene, effectively removing any
form of experience vital for developing junior and
elite riders, in-turn removing any form of nation
wide media coverage, with zero chance of any
media coverage. Industry support can’t justify a
marketing spend on riders, in turn making it even
harder for riders to get recognition outside social
media, and no-one puts a stop watch on social
media. People are products of their environments,
what environment is MTBA creating for our next
generation of competitive mountain bikers?

32 - AMB

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