Australian Mountain Bike – August 01, 2019

(Barry) #1

90 - AMB



Deity’s approach to the 35mm clamp bar and
stem has been one where they have taken
things a little slower to make sure 35mm was
really a benefit before introducing it across
their range. This is something I experienced
firsthand during our group handlebar test
where some brands sent both 31.8 and 35mm
versions of the same bar. Often finding the
35mm too stiff and unforgiving for a trail
bike and leaving me thinking was 35mm just
marketing hype? Off the back of that group test
in my mind the best overall bar was actually
Deity’s Skyline 787 bar, yep an alloy bar with a
31.8mm clamp size and not expensive.
Fast forward to 2019 and the opportunity
came up to try Deity’s 35mm options and again
as with the group test it was up to me what
bars I wanted to try. Having spent a year on
the Skyline 787, I opted for the Ridgeline alloy
bar to see if Deity had done their homework

and released a 35mm bar that wasn’t going to
rattle me apart.
I used a matching 35mm Deity Copperhead
stem, the same model and length as I used
with the 31.8mm clamp size for the Skyline 787
bar. This allowed me to set things up almost
100% the same when changing out bar and
stem to move to the 35mm clamp size. With
grips and controls installed on the new bars
everything feels very much the same when
sitting on your bike (note the 35mm stem
was slightly thicker than the 31.8mm and I
no longer had use of the 10mm space on top
of the stem). During the course of using the
Ridgeline bar I was lucky enough to use them
in some rather amazing locations such as
Maydena and Bright along with local trails in
and around Canberra. One thing that has to
be said about these bars is that while not the
most expensive bars in the Deity line up they

definitely perform higher than their price tag.
Deity were able to create a set of handlebars
that even with a 35mm clap size offers
excellent ride comfort and stability at the same
time. The Ridgeline can actually been seen to
flex when bouncing around on your bike but
you don’t feel this during the ride and here in
lies the beauty of what Deity have done with
their 35mm handlebars, stiffness and comfort
in 1 package.
A handlebar that is too stiff can really wreck
your setup no matter how much it cost. It may
look cool and it may even feel right in your
hands with the bend you like, but if it is too stiff
for you it’s a waste of money. When it comes
to bridging that gap of stiffness brought on by
the large 35mm clamp size I think it was worth
the wait. Eric and the team at Deity have done
a really outstanding job with bars that will fit
most budgets and riding styles be you after
carbon or aluminium.

Deity Ridgeline

35mm bar and

Copperhead stem

Topnotchsweep and rise

You still might not need 35mm

Free download pdf