Wireframe – Issue 20, 2019

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Tom Nook
Animal Crossing series
We love Tom Nook not
because he’s nice – he’s
little more than a loan
shark with a cheery
demeanour – but he had such an impact on those
jumping into Nintendo’s life sim, it’s hard not to love
him. Welcome to Animal Crossing, it’s cutesy and
laid-back and everyone’s friendly and – hey – you
can pay me back at this rate, and if you don’t I’ll set
the Raccoon Goons on you. Ha ha, I’m only joking

  • or am I? You’ve got to respect the kingpin of an
    idyllic hamlet, even if you are in debt to him.

kami 2006
Not only is Amaterasu an elegant
and beautiful wolf, but she also has
a tiny little travelling companion doing
her speaking for her in the shape of the
artist Issun, and she has some pretty special
painting skills. Oh, also she’s the Sun Goddess, so
there’s that too. Ammy’s adventures in kami put
players in the paws of one of gaming’s greatest
animals, tackling a Zelda-like adventure as
good as anything else Nintendo itself produced.
Chibiterasu upped the cuteness ante with the
whole ‘is a puppy’ thing for sequel kamiden, but
our heart is also with the goddess of the sun.

Yoshi Mario/Yoshi series 1990–on
The long-suffering dinosaur with a taste for fruits,
Yoshi has been helping Mario for longer than the
nowhere-near-an-actual-plumber can remember.
Shigeru Miyamoto had the idea for a dinosaur
companion before the original Super Mario Bros.,
but it wasn’t until Super Mario World that the green
one made his first appearance. Since then, Yoshi
has popped up in dozens of titles, and brought
plenty more smiles. And been a bit annoying in
Super Mario Kart, let’s be honest. Still, Yoshi is
fantastically designed, and has cemented his
place in our hearts forever.

Dog Fable II/III 2008, 2010
Has there been a better in-game representation
of dogs before or since Lionhead’s action-RPG?
We would argue no. Your faithful companion
across each of the Fable sequels isn’t just a
useful tool in navigating the world, digging up
treasures, and fighting off enemies – it’s a dog that
fundamentally behaves like a dog. That is to say, it
is an adorable idiot. With that behaviour comes the
inevitable bonding, and with that bonding comes
the inevitable heartbreak – the choice to save
everyone or just your pooch should have been a
hard one. It was not. He’s just too good a boy.

Wireframe’s favourite animals


e’re full of animals this issue,
so what better time than to
talk up some of our favourite
in-game beasties? None.
There is no better time.
Some might say this is a hasty decision taken


favourite animals

Sometimes you just have to list your favourite in-game
animals. Sometimes you get carried away with dogs

to fill a couple of pages we needed to fill,
while others will realise that’s only half the
truth and, in fact, a big reason for doing this
is because we enjoy both lists and animals.
Believe what you will. Regardless, here it is:
animals, lists, and words.


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