Wireframe – Issue 20, 2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1
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If you want a taste of what
Kiefer’s making right now, then
head over to his itch.io page
(benstar.itch.io), where you’ll
find a selection of his smaller
games. Our pick of the bunch?
Definitely .FUEL, a cracking
little shooter tailor-made for
playing with a mouse: it’s like
Atari’s venerable Asteroids,
except your ship loyally follows
your mouse pointer as you
roam the screen, blasting
encroaching aliens. An ever-
decreasing fuel bar (topped
up by picking up icons from
the husks of your enemies),
a combo meter, and a huge
scoreboard in the background
makes for an addictive
quick fix.

 Kiefer’s .FUEL is an addictive
top-down blast in the mould
of Atari’s Asteroids.

So the goal is to climb the tower and figure out
who, what, and where you are, and why you are
in the situation you are in.”

What it all boils down to, though, is a hectic loop
of blasting, collecting the souls from downed
enemies, and using them to improve your
weapons in order to progress higher up the
clock tower; Kiefer cites the likes of Flinthook
and Enter the Gungeon as inspiration for its
roguelike mayhem. The process of actually
creating Revita’s procedurally generated levels
has, however, proved to be one of the aspects
that Kiefer’s worked hard to figure out. “In Revita,
each combat room you enter is completely
[procedurally] generated,” he says, “which gets
really tricky if you want to have fun and exciting
rooms that look like they could have been
designed by hand. So that must have been the
trickiest challenge so far.”
Balancing the game has also provided a
challenge, Kiefer tells us – partly because he’s

been developing Revita largely by himself.
“As someone who’s playing the game way too
often for testing purposes,” he says, “it gets
very tricky for me to judge when it comes to the
difficulty, so I usually have friends testing the
game and telling me what they think. Maybe an
item is too weak, maybe an enemy is too strong

  • I base my decisions on that [feedback].”
    Not that Revita’s entirely the product of one
    person; while Kiefer is handling the design
    and pixel art side of things, he’s also found a
    composer and sound designer to help him
    create the game’s sonic landscape. “They’re
    both fantastic, and Revita wouldn’t be what it is
    today without their help,” he tells us. “When it
    comes to finding the right people to work with,
    social media is a big help. There are lots and lots
    of artists and programmers on there that are
    looking for work. So you’ve just got to keep your
    eyes open and get in contact with people.”
    Fittingly enough, given that we first
    encountered Revita when someone tweeted one
    of its animated GIFs into our timeline, Kiefer’s
    keen to point out just how effective Twitter can
    be for indie developers. “I probably wouldn’t
    be where I am with the game today if it wasn’t
    for Twitter and the countless connections I
    made there,” Kiefer says. “I heavily recommend,
    especially new developers, to get their stuff out
    there. Social media is essentially free marketing
    when it comes to financial means. If you have the
    time to use social media for marketing purposes,
    do it. It’s more or less the easiest and cheapest
    way to market yourself to an audience.”

 The blue-haired protagonist’s athletic from
the beginning, but enemies appear to pose
a threat due to their weight of numbers.

 Revita may be 2D, but Kiefer’s use of lighting
and blur effects provide a real sense of depth.

 The souls of slain enemies can be
sold on to a masked dealer, who’ll
exchange them for useful upgrades.
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