Wireframe – Issue 20, 2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1
60 / wfmag.cc



Switch (tested)
/ PS4 / XBO
/ PC
The Arcade
Out now



Like visiting a whole new Contra (“country”)

ack in my day, we didn’t have fancy
pants things like unlimited continues

  • no, we just grit our teeth and got
    through things one failure at a time.
    None of this snowflake nonsense
    like Blazing Chrome throws at you, no siree. Well,
    unless you were playing the Japanese version of
    Contra: Hard Corps – but who of us were actually
    playing that all those years ago? Only the rich
    kids, and they can do one.
    I mean, this is balderdash; Blazing Chrome
    does offer unlimited continues (and a limited
    save function, allowing you to pick up where you
    left off, though only from the very beginning of a
    level), but in no way does that make it a breeze
    or a Friend To The Millennial. By the way, if you
    were born around 1982-ish to around 1999–
    2000, you’re a millennial, but that’s by the by.
    Blazing Chrome. What is it? It’s a side-scrolling
    shooter that apes Contra so much it would be
    contra-rian to mention anything else, really.
    There’s some Metal Slug in there, sure, and
    probably the odd bit of a thousand other arcade
    shooters from the 1980s and 1990s, before
    everything Went Bad – but the main influence
    slathered all over this delectable little morsel
    is Contra. It’s Hard Corps without the wolf man.

Alien Wars without those dogs eating from bins.
The original Contra without the significantly better
home conversion on NES. If we weren’t getting a
new Contra soon from Nobuya Nakazato – he of
Contra 3 and Hard Corps fame – I’d be hailing this
as the best and only chance of playing a good
Contra game we’ll likely see for a long time.
And to think I promised myself I wouldn’t
mention Contra too much. So, Blazing Chrome:
it’s a handful of levels, each one being significantly
different from the other and presenting the sort
of lengthy ‘Oh crap, I thought that was the end
of it’ challenge you genuinely don’t see much
of these days. Even the git gud crowd tends to
know when it’s approaching an end-point, and
I have to say that obfuscation – is this the final
boss? – does wonders for the tension of each
playthrough. Tension? In a mindless shooter?
Well, of course – it’s hard. Very hard. One-hit-kill
hard, and lose all your lives you’re back to the
beginning of the entire level hard. The weapon
you have equipped (apart from the default
potato gun) is lost when you die hard. Hard-hard.
Sometimes it feels a bit much, and more than
once the Switch risked being flung through the
nearest window. There are times when balance
feels a bit skewed; as though enemies shouldn’t
be able to shoot as quickly as they do, or fire at
that particular angle, but really it’s just frustration
borne of another failure. Blazing Chrome is
great fun. A really surprisingly fantastic riff
on Contra and arcade shooters of days gone.
Its length is inflated artificially because of the
difficulty so your mileage may vary, but for me,
it’s a solid recommendation.

Blazing Chrome


A new Contra in all but
name – great fun, though
admittedly rock hard.

79 %



 Bosses veer ‘large’,
and definitely stick
with ‘challenging’.

Not to be thoroughly shallow, but
visually, Blazing Chrome is an absolute
delight. It’s closer to Metal Slug than
Contra in motion, but either way that
fabulous 1990s-style pixelated look
does wonders for the whole experience

  • it offers a real sense of place, and you
    genuinely can, sometimes, forget you’re
    playing something released in 2019.

Ian Dransfield

 Weapon selection is limited, but
varied, and includes this... thing.
Free download pdf