FineScale Modeler – October 2019

(Martin Jones) #1
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18 FineScale Modeler October 2019

Correct details and add missing panel lines to Monogram’s 1/48 scale Wildcat


Amp up that

old kit


any of us have older kits in our stash
that we haven’t built simply because
there is always a newer, better engi-
neered kit of the same subject available that is far
easier to build. But I contend that there is still a
lot of modeling satisfaction to
be had in that old plastic!
Take Monogram’s “authentic
quarter-inch-scale” Wildcat,
first released in 1961: Its outline

and shape are correct, but it lacks detail and has
heavy, raised panel lines and rivets covering it
that lack scale fidelity. It also suffers from the
toy-like working features such as the folding
wings and rolling wheels. And other than a pilot
and instrument panel decal,
there is no cockpit interior to
speak of.
So, to take advantage of this
old kit’s strengths, I decided to

Go online to see how James painted his

Determined not to let
Monogram’s classic, slightly
clunky Wildcat get the better of
him, James turned a sow’s ear into
a silk purse with some needed
updates and detailed paneling.
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