FineScale Modeler – October 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

20 FineScale Modeler October 2019




To add color, I base-coated the cockpit British interior green followed
with a dry-brushing of chromate green. A paper instrument panel made
by scanning a spare decal sheet was applied with white glue.

A segment of hardwood foot molding was applied under the floor
using 5-minute epoxy. This provided a firm mount inside the fuselage to
accept brass tubing for my in-flight display rod.

The inaccurate square headrest was replaced with a round one cut from
sprue. A silver Prismacolor pencil added wear to the floor scuff plates,
consoles, and seat. This was sealed with Testors Dullcote. Then I secured
both the pilot and pedals, ensuring the feet connected with the pedals.

I weathered with watercolors before applying scanned placards and
dials with white glue. Now I had an interior that, while not highly
detailed, would look convincing enough when seen through the
canopy. I then joined the fuselage halves.

Monogram molded the radial engine face with
the cowling. It featured crisply molded
cylinders, but lacked intercooler intakes, so I
scratchbuilt them at 4- and 8-o’clock positions
with styrene.

It also lacks the magnetos and propeller
governor housing on the crankcase, so I cobbled
up reasonable facsimiles from spare parts and
set them aside to add to the model after
painting and weathering the engine cylinders.

I secured a 3⁄32-inch diameter section of brass
tubing to the engine cowling with super glue
to accept prop shafts of 1⁄16-inch diameter brass
tube to mount the prop. I then glued the
engine cowl to the fuselage.
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