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Since the kit’s uncuffed prop isn’t correct for an FM-1, I modified it with
blades from Tamiya’s 1/48 scale Wildcat. First, I removed the blades with a
micro saw, as close to the hub as possible. Then, I secured the hub to a
shaft of 1⁄16-inch diameter brass tube with superglue.
I chucked the hub in my motor tool and turned it at low speed against
an emery board to smooth it evenly. A segment of heat-stretched
styrene tub was slipped over the hub to restore the correct diameter
and secured with liquid cement.
I glued the correctly configured blades to the
hub. Now I would be able to insert this
spinnable prop into the engine, make it turn
with help from a fan, and take in-flight photos.
The canopy sill on the right side wasn’t straight,
but because of the thickness, I could shunt the
part to the right to compensate and then sand
down excess with 400- to 2,000-grit sanding
sticks. (See sidebar for more canopy info.)
To correct the toy-like rolling wheels, I
sharpened the shaft of the unused wing
hinges and plugged each hole (left). Then, I
trimmed the shaft and blended it into the
wheel hub (right).
After cleaning up the wheels, I added styrene
strips to fill gaps under the wing at the wing-
root. I smoothed the join, leaving a round notch
for the wheels to fit. Now, I could add wheels
and doors and fill the gaps with superglue.
I assembled the outer wing panels and
clamped them to the center section along the
wing fold, ensuring that the trailing edges and
flap hinge were properly aligned. Then I
applied liquid cement generously to the joint.
I attached the stabilizers, and filled the drop tank
holes, wing fold joints, and adjacent sink marks
with superglue. I smoothed the seams and
restored the mismatched leading-edge shape at
the wing fold with emery boards and sandpaper.