FineScale Modeler – October 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

24 FineScale Modeler October 2019







For lines that wrap the tubby fuselage, such as on the cowl, I measured
a series of marks a uniform distance from the same point. Then I aligned
a short segment of tape from mark to mark to guide my pencil. This
kept the frame lines perpendicular to the aircraft’s line of thrust.

To draw uniquely shaped panels, I cut out templates from drafting tape
and applied them directly to the model.

I propped the Wildcat up to render the gently curving longitudinal
panel lines at the base of the dorsal spine. With my free hands I could
apply the tape strips that would guide my pencil.

On the fuselage, I used dividers to establish the locations for the first
panel lines beneath the cockpit. I did this by measuring aft from the
recess that marked the rear edge of the model’s engine cowl.

To render the wing root fairing curve where it turns upward onto the
fuselage, I again used a note card template to guide my pencil. Tip:
Holding the model with a gloved hand prevents skin oil transfer.

Where the fairing turns underneath the trailing edge of the wing and
runs in a straight line, I switched back to drafting tape.
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