Using a pattern made from a photo in Adobe Illustrator, I modified the
sprocket mount areas of the suspension with thin styrene sheet sanded
thin to the rear so that it would blend with the kit parts using minimal
I scratchbuilt the rear support for the return rollers using styrene sheet
and tube. It’s an easy assembly to create and was fitted for height with
the return roller assembly in place on the kit supports tacked in place
and trimmed for clearance.
The pieces I made for the sprocket were too large, but work with a
motor tool soon got them down to size. Then, I covered the surface with
filler putty and sculpted it to the correct shapes. It looks super-bad at
this point, but it turned out just fine.
This photo shows where details were added, although there is still
cleanup to do. Hidden on the front of the pedestal is a strip of thin
styrene that is angled forward to accommodate the hull suspension
spring. This had to be modified after moving the other parts aft.
To re-create the sprockets’ wobbly web pattern, I removed molded detail from the kit parts. Then, I cut sections to fill the areas between the ribs
from thick sheet styrene. These will be alternated on both sides to create the bulges of the wobbly web.