FineScale Modeler – October 2019

(Martin Jones) #1 5

By Mark Savage

[email protected]


ometimes one of our how-to sto-
ries commands a bit more atten-
tion as the detail is so fine and
the information so good that we sim-
ply must pump up the page count.
That’s the case with James Green’s
story this issue where he finishes and
drastically improves a classic old
Monogram Wildcat kit.
Originally, this kit was released in
1961 and is woefully short on detail
while also featuring major raised
panel lines. James corrects a number
of inaccuracies, while adding missing
panel lines, enhancing cockpit detail
and he does it all in creating a hand-
some wheels-up version of this popu-
lar U.S. Navy fighter.
We hope you get some useful tips
from James’ Wildcat build.
Speaking of detail, we also wrap
up Ron Poniatowski’s great how-to
series on building America’s first
tank. Part 2 delves into updating the
suspension, turret, and then painting

the Takom Renault
FT to look like the
U.S. version.
There’s a lot more
this issue, including a
helicopter diorama,
rocket launcher, and
Beachcraft build.
But wait, there’s
more! We love taking
photos of inspirational
builds at major model-
ing shows each year.
This issue we run a gallery from the
Armor Modeling and Preservation
Society’s annual convention.
We posted a battalion of photos
on our Facebook page while at the
show, now we roll out some of the
best images we took, with the prom-
ise of even more in our fall Special
Issue, Great Scale Modeling. A quick
commercial here, you can pre-order
GSM at
right now. You’ll be seeing images

from EagleQuest, WonderFest, and
the national IPMS show in future
issues, along with many more in
GSM this November.
Congrats to all the fantastic build-
ers out there who display their talents
at these great shows.


Expanded how-to + great photo galleries

42 FineScale Modeler October 2019

it” in Peter’s 1/35 scale scene set in Germimprove Dragon’s kit, he used any in February 1960. To
Voyager parts including photo-etch and a turned-madded Value Gear stowage and Tamiya jerrycans in Def.Model etal gun,
racks, and installed a Verlinden .50-caliber mProducts lenses, and stiff wire antennas with a fine paper signal achine gun, M.V.

Dragon’s 1/35 scale Panther Ausf A looks at homlate-winter mBart. He detailed the Germud thanks to e in the an
tank with Aber photo-etch, a Panzer Art turned-mrel, and Friulmtracks. Hairspray weathering odel metal bar-etal
produced the worn white-wash over the camother weathering was added with artist oils, enamouflage; els, and

In early May, more than 150 modelers shuffled off to Buffalo for the
annual international convention of the Armor Modeling and
Preservation Society. The contest tables were crowded with nearly
600 tanks, figures, trucks, cannons, and dioramas. FSM editors
Mark Savage and Aaron Skinner hit the city on the shore of Lake Erie to
take in the show and shoot photos of the entries.
The 2020 convention is slated for May 7-9 in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania. Check for updates and more info.


AMPS 2019

You can find more photos from the AMPS convention in Scale Modeling 2019 on sale Great
November 19. Preorder your copy today online at

Want to see more?

Wscale Wwindshield and rebuilding the front grille. Airbrushed red ill accurized Academy’s 1/72 C-54 by reshaping the
crosses and decal serial numbers put the amFrench service in Indochina in the early 1950s.bulance in -

The war-weary face on this Young ST. CHARLES, MBRETT AVANTSISSOURI
Miniatures 1/9 scale soldier from101st Airborne was all painted with Scale 75 and P3 acrylics. the

For some, getting away means going to the beach, mountains, a campground, or maybe even a modeling show. All travel is good, right?

Off the sprue: The furthest you’ve been from home?

Mark Savage
[email protected]

Senior Editor
Aaron Skinner
[email protected]

Digital Editor
Elizabeth Nash
[email protected]

Editorial Associate
Monica Freitag
[email protected]

Went to the Nuremberg
International Toy Fair in
Germany years ago and spent a
couple extra days exploring
gorgeous castles and cathedrals
near Munich, plus a few car
museums. Travel, I feel, is as vital
to the soul as eating is to the

Depends on what I call home. If I
say Australia, where I grew up,
then I would say Milwaukee is
pretty far. If I say Milwaukee,
then maybe Iraq. If I say Earth,
then nowhere at all.

4,779 miles from Kalmbach
Media is Budapest, Hungary,
which I’ve been lucky enough to
visit twice. No tourists, history
on every corner, amazing street
food, centuries old bathhouses,
and insane nightlife. Highly
recommend for any traveler
wanting to visit a less well-
known city.

Acapulco Mexico. In my early
20s I had a friend who was a
travel agent. Back then they got
fantastic deals and freebies on
everything from airfare to
cocktails. Initially we planned for
a 7-day vacation. Let’s just say
that a lot of things and events
went in our favor on that trip
and we ended up coming home
21 days later.
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