Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

(lu) #1


Success on this diet comes
not from just eating filling
foods, but recognising when
you’re full.
Most of us were taught to
override our fullness signals
when we were young by being
made to eat everything on our
plates. As well as this, super-size
portions have distorted the
recognition of fullness, but it is
possible to get back in touch.
The key thing is to focus while
you’re eating – don’t let your
hunger and satisfaction cues
be drowned out by eating too
fast, being on your feet, listening
to music or watching TV! If you
can, sit down and eat slowly,
keeping a focus on how satisfied
you feel.
While eating, stop regularly
and assess whether you really
do need to eat more. Try rating
your fullness on a satisfaction
scale which goes from 1 to 5
where 1 is ‘starving’ and 5 is
‘stuffed’. The key to being
more in control of your eating
is staying somewhere between
2 and 4 on this scale.

Boosting your physical activity
levels will also help to enhance your
weight loss...

✢ Aim for a minimum of half an hour,
five times a week, of an activity
that makes you feel short of breath
throughout. Suitable activities include
brisk walking, jogging, cycling hard
and swimming.

✢ Resistance activities, such as
weights, sit-ups and body pump
classes are also good options, so
incorporate these once or twice a week
to retain muscle mass and keep your
metabolism ticking over at a higher rate.

Feel-full DINNERS

✢ Spaghetti bolognese: Made with
75g extra-lean minced beef and
200g chopped tomatoes with herbs
per serving, plus plenty of finely
chopped onions, carrot, celery and
red pepper to bulk out. Serve
with 75g (dry weight) wholewheat
spaghetti; bowl of mixed green salad.

✢ 1 grilled large salmon fillet
served with 2 egg-sized boiled
potatoes in skins, a large handful
of rocket, 2 baby tomato and
baby spinach salad drizzled with
balsamic vinegar.

✢ Chicken and noodle stir-fry:
1 chopped chicken breast fried
in 1tsp oil with ¼ fresh red chilli,
½ red pepper, 2 spring onions.
Add 100g straight-to-wok noodles
and some reduced-salt soy sauce
to taste.

✢ 170g serving skinless roast
chicken with granule gravy, 2 small
roast potatoes roasted in a brush
of oil. Serve with broccoli, carrots and
green beans.

✢ 1 large fillet grilled white fish
served with ½ a 390g can of
ratatouille and 4tbsp frozen
edamame beans.

✢ Fry 1 chicken breast, cut into
strips, in a brush of oil with some
red pepper and onion, wrap
in 1 wholewheat tortilla with
2tbsp soured cream, salsa and
1tbsp guacamole.

✢ Chinese takeaway: ½ a cup
of chicken and sweetcorn soup,
prawns served with ginger and
spring onions and 2tbsp plain
brown rice.
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