Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

(lu) #1


Sag aloo

Serves 4 • Takes 25 minutes

800g (1lb 12oz) potatoes, peeled and
cut into 2.5cm (1in) cubes
1½ tsp black mustard seeds
1½ tsp cumin seeds
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 onion, finely sliced
2.5cm (1in) piece fresh ginger, peeled
and sliced into thin matchsticks
4 garlic cloves, finely sliced
2 green chillies, de-seeded and finely
sliced (leave the seeds in if you want
it hotter)
1 tsp ground turmeric
250ml (9fl oz/1 cup) vegetable stock
250g (9oz) spinach leaves
30g (1oz) coriander (cilantro), chopped
(stalks and all)
A good squeeze of lemon juice
Sea salt

1 Put the potatoes in a pan of boiling,
salted water and parboil for 6 minutes.
Drain and let steam dry in the colander.
2 Meanwhile, heat a non-stick sauté
pan over medium heat, add the mustard
and cumin seeds and cook until you
can hear them start to pop.
3 Add the coconut oil and let it melt, then
add the onion and cook for 5 minutes.
Stir in the ginger, garlic, chilli and turmeric
and cook for a minute or so further.
4 Add the parboiled potato and stock
to the pan and pop the lid on. Cook,
stirring regularly, for about 10-12 minutes
or until the potato is cooked through.
5 Add the spinach to the pan, put the lid
back on and let it wilt in the heat of the
pan. You may need to add half, wait for
it to wilt down a little, then add the other
half if you can’t fit it all in the pan at once.
6 Once the spinach is all wilted, stir in the
lemon juice and coriander and season
well with salt. You’re ready to serve!

Potato pancake

stack with bacon

& maple
Adding potato to these helps them feel
a little more substantial ensuring they
stay light and fluffy.

Serves 4 • Takes 30 minutes

350g (12oz) floury potatoes, cut into
large chunks
175ml (5½fl oz/¾ cup) whole milk
2 eggs, beaten
100g (3½oz/¾ cup) plain (all-purpose)
1 tsp baking powder
Sea salt
Butter, for frying
12 slices smoked streaky bacon
Maple syrup, to serve

1 Put the potatoes in a pan of water
and bring to the boil. Cook for about 15
minutes, until tender when pierced with
a knife, then drain and return them to

the hot pan. Add a good splash of
the milk and mash to a smooth purée,
as lump-free as possible. Add the
remaining milk and the eggs and
beat until well combined.
2 Fold the flour, baking powder and
a pinch of salt into the mixture until all
the flour has been evenly incorporated,
but try not to over mix.
3 Melt a little butter in a large non-stick
frying pan over a low-medium heat
and add a ladleful of batter to the pan
per pancake. (You’ll need to cook them
in batches.) Cook for 2 minutes, until
the top looks firm enough to turn over,
and the bottom is golden brown. Flip
them over and cook for another 2
minutes on the other side, then remove
from the pan and keep warm while
you cook the rest.
4 While the pancakes are cooking,
grab another large frying pan. Add
the bacon and fry over a high heat
until brown and crisp.
5 Serve the stacks of pancakes topped
with bacon and finished with a good
drizzle of maple syrup.
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