Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

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an it really be seven years
since London 2012, when
Bradley Wiggins’ success
gave cycling a notable
boost? Saddling up has certainly
not dropped pace in the popularity
stakes since then. Records from
data-tracking app Strava reveal
that Brits cycle a staggering 904
million kilometres in a year. That’s an
impressive 22,000 loops of the Earth.
It’s not surprising many of us are
still fans of the bike – after all,
working up a sweat in the saddle can
firm up your calves, quads, hamstrings
and glutes, boost your heart health
and spin off over 300 calories in just
30 minutes. And it’s low impact, so
you’re more likely to avoid those
workout niggles and injuries. Plus,
it’s a fast and free way to get around.
If you want to jump on the (two-
wheeled) bandwagon, why not give
our four-week cycling plan a go.
Olympic cyclist Becky James has
created a bespoke plan to help you
boost your bike time.
Turn the page to get pedalling...

Get slimmer and

stronger with our 30
minute cycling sessions
Free download pdf