Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

(lu) #1


Warm weather
training tips
If you’re making the most of
the summer sunshine before
it disappears, here are some
guidelines to staying healthy
and happy in the saddle.


Pick clothing
with added
ventilation, such
as this stylish Beliv
short-sleeve jersey,
£44.99, liv-cycling.com.


Don’t ditch the
gloves. Fingerless
gloves will protect
sweaty palms from
slipping and getting
sore. Try Specialized
Women’s BG Dual
Gel Mitt, £27,


Keep your eye on
the road. Tarmac
can melt on hot days,
making roads slippery and
sticking grit and dirt to tyres.


Remember to refuel at the
end of the ride. Appetite can
often be suppressed in the heat, so
it’s easy to forget. If you’re out on a
long ride, nibble on high-carb snacks
to avoid hitting the wall mid cycle.


Stay hydrated. ‘I usually carry
one bottle of water and one
bottle with a hydro tab in, so my
body is taking on the salts I lose
through sweat,’ says Becky.

Get in gear

Selecting the correct gear will
help you find your optimum
cadence – the rate at which
you turn the pedals, which
will depend on your cycling
terrain. And they can also help
boost your training.
 Small gears have a high/fast
cadence – good for when you’re
going up hill.
 Big gears have a slow cadence
and are harder to push – good for
when you want to maximise your
output on the flat.

It must be level on your head,
two fingers’ width above
eyebrows (further
forward than you
may think), with
the strap

Training tips
 Resist bouncing around in the
saddle – keep your core engaged
and your upper body stable.
 Keep the pedal stroke smooth
throughout its rotations and select
the correct gears to help maintain
an even cadence on the hills.
 Stay seated on inclines to
increase your power.

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart,
slightly turned out. Keeping back straight,
lower into a sitting position, as far as
you can go. Lift arms out in front of
you, fingers pointing forwards to keep
balance. Pause. Push heels into floor
and drive back up to starting position.
Perform a plank position with your body
weight resting on hands (underneath
shoulders) and the balls of your feet.
Slowly lower chest to floor (elbows
pointing out to the sides), pause, then
push back up to the start position.
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step
right leg back into a lunge position,
both knees bent at right angles.
Bring right leg back to start position
and repeat on the other side.
Lie on the floor, place hands on either

side of your head, elbows out. Lift both
knees into a right angle and flex feet.
Slowly cycle your legs while twisting
your torso to bring your right elbow
towards your left knee, followed by
your left elbow to your right knee.
Position hands shoulder-width apart
on the seat of a chair. Bend knees so
they form right angles and thighs are
parallel to the floor. Keeping your back
close to the edge of the chair, bend
your elbows to lower your body down,
so your bottom is just above the floor.
Press back up to start position.
Stand feet slightly apart, hands by
your sides. Jump down to the floor in
a squat position, kicking feet back until
you’re in a plank position. Jump back
into the squat position and jump up to
standing, raising your arms with your
hands above your head.

Circuit training moves

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