Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

(lu) #1





The expert
Kelsey Wells,
Australian personal
trainer and
creator of the PWR
workout programs.


he idea of working out in the
comfort of your own home is
an attractive one, but many of
the home workouts you’ll see
online, especially on Instagram, are
skinny young things leaping their way
through high-impact moves. Even if
you’re not exhausted just by looking
at them, this type of workout isn’t for
everyone. And high-impact workouts,
where both feet move off the ground at
the same time, put pressure on your joints
and increase your chances of injury. Plus,
they can leave you exhausted.
Kelsey Wells, world-famous personal
trainer, whose at-home workouts can be
found on popular fitness app SWEAT,
believes that although high-impact
training causes you to sweat a lot, it’s
not the only way to get a great workout
in. She’s created this simple series of
low-impact moves, using your own body
weight as resistance.
‘Any time you’re moving your body and

getting your body off the ground whether
you’re jumping or stepping, you’re still
getting your heart rate up. It’s about what
your body needs and what’s best for you.
Any time you’re moving, you’re going
to have many of the same benefits. It’s
definitely not true that high-impact training
is a superior way to workout, it’s just a
different way to workout,’ explains Kelsey.
These six low-impact bodyweight
resistance exercises require no
equipment and can all be done at home
or outside in the garden. Complete
the given reps and aim to repeat the
entire workout three times, allowing
a one-minute break between each one.
Grab a mat and get going!

thighs (front, back
and inner) and calves.


For your start
position, step both
feet on floor, further
than shoulder-width
apart. Point feet
slightly outwards.


Look straight
ahead, bend
at hips and knees,
keeping knees in line
with toes. Continue
bending knees until
your thighs are
parallel to the floor.
Keep back at 45-90
degree angle.


Push through
your heels and
extend legs, returning
to start position.
Repeat 12 times.


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