Woman & Home Feel Good You – September 2019

(lu) #1
GREAT FOR Bottom, thighs and core


For your start position, lie flat on your back on a yoga mat. Bend knees
and position feet on the mat, ensuring they are hip-width apart and your
spine is in a neutral position. Let arms rest by your sides on the mat.


Press heels into the mat, squeeze your glutes and raise pelvis off the
floor, until your body forms one straight line from chin to knee, resting
on your shoulders. Hold for a few seconds.


Lower your pelvis and return to the start position. Repeat this move
15 times.

For this exercise, you’ll need a chair.
GREAT FOR Chest, triceps (backs of upper
arm) and shoulders


Begin seated on a chair. Place hands on the
front edge of the chair under your glutes (bottom
muscles) and directly below your shoulders. Keep
fingers facing forwards. Shift glutes forwards off chair.


Bend elbows to lower glutes towards the floor,
keeping shoulders, elbows and wrists in line
with one another.


Once your arms are in two
90-degree angles, push
through heels of your hands and
extend arms to return to start
position. Avoid using legs to help
with this, and keep an upright
position. Repeat for 12 reps.

Boost bone density
with your bodyweight
More and more women are discovering the
benefits of resistance training – when an exercise
causes muscles to contract against an external
force, such as your own bodyweight or weights.
Resistance training helps to tone and shape
the body, but it’s also great for increasing bone
density, decreasing your chances of developing
osteoporosis later in life – perfect for women
entering or going through the menopause, when
there is an associated drop in bone density.

GREAT FOR Chest, shoulders and upper arms


For your start position, place both hands on a yoga mat slightly further
than shoulder-width apart, resting on your knees.


While maintaining a neutral spine, bend elbows and lower torso
towards the mat until your arms form two 90-degree angles.


Push through your chest and extend elbows to lift body back into
start position. Repeat for 10 reps.
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