Truckin’ Life – August 2019

(Romina) #1


Mactrans heavy haulage
owned by Mussy Deen
are well known for big
trucks, big trailers and
big loads. They will venture far and wide
from their depot in Brisbane and receive
a huge variety of different jobs and
locations from the outback to the major

Most of their Sydney work is
infrastructure projects out in the suburbs,
usually either a big excavator or crane.
This particular job was a piling rig and,
as mentioned earlier, while city deliveries
are quite common, in this case it could
not be any more ‘city.’ The piling rig was
headed right to the centre of Sydney’s
CBD into Martin Place, a location any
Sydneysider knows as a horrible place to
walk, let alone get a big load into!

In the suburbs getting close
as Brian makes his way off
the Gladesville Bridge

It’s a tight turn getting from
King street into Elizabeth
street in the Sydney CBD
but Brian made it look easy

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