Truckin’ Life – August 2019

(Romina) #1

Martin Place station for the Sydney
Metro rail line.
Normally these big piling rigs are
driven off the back and away they go but
in this case it was to be lifted off with a
crane. A big Men from Marrs tower crane
swung into action, the riggers hooked it
up and the crane effortlessly unloaded.
Brian and the rig disappeared over the
fence and down and out of sight.

Brian’s deed was done. Unlike the
normal cowboy stories where the hero
rides off into the sunset, Brian had to
settle for the sunrise in keeping with
the usual big move timetables! So KW
Cowboy, the Outcast and the Old Timer
drove off into the sunrise of Sydney
and off on another road trip the likes
of which are only known to the heavy

It’s not everyday you see
a tower crane lifting 95t
but here it is. The Men
from Marrs’ crane is a
serious bit of gear!

Truckin’Life < 033 >
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