Truckin’ Life – August 2019

(Romina) #1

Melbourne and run B-doubles up to
Sydney, so I’m looking forward to
spending more time on the highways.
This little Kenworth has done over a
million kilometres but it’s been looked
after. Francis with their trucks and
maintenance are excellent. It’s a nice
family company with everyone I meet,
being here for over ten years. You
can learn a lot from that wealth of
experience,” smiled Chantelle.
Chantelle would love to see everyone
who gets a car licence do a module or
unit on trucks because people don’t
realise how many blind spots there are,
having not been around trucks.
“Once you get into the cab, it’s a
whole different world; car and motor
bike riders and drivers just don’t
understand” she grimaced.
“Mum has come around. I’ve won her
over, she loves it! She hasn’t come for
a trip yet. For me, it’s getting paid to
travel, it’s a passion. It’s something I’ve
wanted to do for so long. I don’t see it
as a job. Now the wheels are turning,
the diesel is burning, I’m free and its
great,” she stated!
For all the ladies out there, Chantelle
says that you should never doubt
yourself. If you want to see the world, go
for it! #shineon

Truckin’Life < 069 >

Chantelle knows the ropes and made (^) a point
of being exceptionally good at them

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