Truckin’ Life – August 2019

(Romina) #1




When Fanny Lumsden decides to go on
the road, she really goes on the road.
Fanny is currently on her Country
Hall Tours which is taking in as many
country halls as possible and by the end
of it she estimates she will have played
at more than 100.
They are venues she absolutely loves
and a great way of meeting people aside
from getting her music out here as well.
There must be something special as
this is Fanny’s seventh year of taking
shows to the regions.
“I love to go outside the venues just
before the show and take it all in,”
Fanny said.
“Just watching the people come in,
the location and the expectations of the
crowd just before we play and bringing
that to the stage.
“Each gig is different and you never
really know what each hall will offer up
so it’s exciting. The great thing is that
everyone seems to have a good time and
that’s what this tour is all about.”
If anyone has seen Fanny’s videos,
especially the latest one , Pretty Little
Fools, the fourth single off her Real
Class Act album, they are indications of
what you might expect at her shows – a
lot of fun and great music.
The popularity of her Country Halls
Tour is such that she has to go through
the large number of applications and
determine just what is possible on the
“The country halls apply through my
website but the challenge is to try and
decide a route we can take to cover as
many as we can,” Fanny said.
Fanny, her husband Dan and son
Walter travel the roads towing a caravan
making it a very family affair.
Her down-to-earth approach is

reflected in her music and subjects she
songs about – it’s why her fans can
relates to her so well.
And there’s another upside to playing
at the venues.
“The people and halls all have
stories to tell so it’s very inspiring as a
songwriter, I get plenty of material.”
She is currently working on a new
album, just find the time to record might
be a challenge.

Applications has closed to the current
country hall tour but as Fanny says on
her website “there will always be another
one in the future so keep your eyes
peeled for applications to be open”.
So be on the lookout, Fanny Lumsden
could be coming to a hall near you very
Check out her tour at http://www.
Until next time

Fanny Lumsden is on the road,
visiting and playing as many
country halls as possible on her
aptly named Country Halls Tour.

Truckin’Life < 077 >
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