Dave Cockell, 56,
Nottinghamshire, UK
TOP: The big FPV was certified for
ADR79/02 emissions in Australia,
the equivalent to Euro IV, but the UK
was on Euro V by 2012. Dave got in
touch with Bernie Quinn at Prodrive,
part of the engineering team that
developed the car for Ford. Bernie
said the FPV passed Euro IV with
ease, so Euro V wasn’t much of
a stretch. “All I did was put new
cats on it, fresh plugs and new oil.
Bloody romped it in!” Dave laughs
ABOVE: To get the FPV legal on
UK roads, Dave had to install a
rear fog light and a miles-per-hour
speedo. “A group in Reading called
Specialised Shipping redid the UK
clocks for me,” he explains. “I’ve
got the original kilometre one back
at home; they’re indistinguishable”
LEFT: Since 2001, Dave has
periodically thrown his Cosworth
Escort around the Circuit de Spa-
Francorchamps in Belgium, so it
seemed only fitting that the R-Spec
got a run. “I spun later in the day
on my own diff oil; losing a little
out the breather is a common issue
at the track, I’m told,” he says.
Photo: Jochen Van Cauwenberge at
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