Daily Mail - 21.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

Page ^ Daily Mail, Wednesday, August 21, 2019

In the mix: Priya O’Shea and, inset, Hollywood and ex-lover


Hollywood’s f lirty recipe for show hopeful

Daily Mail Reporter

In the mix: Priya O’Shea and inset Holly

HE is becoming more famed
for his complicated love life
than for his baking skills.
And Paul Hollywood even
exchanged a flirty message on
social media with one of the
new Bake Off contestants.
The divorced baker, 53, replied
to aspiring novelist Priya
O’Shea, 33, seven years ago
when she sent him a picture of
a brioche on Twitter.
Mrs O’Shea, who was in her
mid-20s at the time, wrote to
the chef saying: ‘Good day for

tea and brioche in bed!’ Holly-
wood replied: ‘Great idea x’.
She is one of the new young
crop of bakers who will enter
the Bake Off tent on Tuesday.
The marketing consultant
lives in Leicester with her hus-
band and two children. She has
applied for the show three
times, including in 2012 when
she sent the tweet. ‘I down-

loaded the application for Bake
Off in 2012, the year I got mar-
ried, but I thought I would never
get in’, she said earlier this week.
‘I applied again last year, and
then this year I got in and it was
so dreamy and unreal.’
More than half of this year’s
baker’s dozen of Great British
Bake Off contestants are in their
20s and only one is over 40.
With an average age of just 31,
they are the youngest group to
ever step into the tent. Last
year’s series had an average age
of 36 and in 2017 it was 39.
The line-up for the tenth
series includes student Henry
and part-time waiter Jamie,
both 20. HGV driver Phil, at 56,
is the youngest ‘oldest baker’
since the first series in 2010.
Earlier this month, Hollywood
was dumped by girlfriend Sum-
mer Monteys-Fullam, 24, after
she claimed he tried to force her
to sign a gagging order. It came
just a fortnight after Hollywood
was granted a decree nisi in his
divorce from ex-wife Alexandra.

‘It was so dreamy
and unreal’

EU wants trackers

in EVERY new car

MInISTErS were last night

urged to ditch Brussels legis-

lation forcing all new cars to

be fitted with ‘Big Brother’

tracking devices.
They were warned motorists
would be treated like criminals as
the surveillance equipment was
like ‘wearing a tag’.
It came after Mercedes sparked a
privacy row by admitting its cars are
fitted with secret sensors which can
pin-point their location.
The German car-maker said the
devices are fitted to help recover the
vehicles of owners fall behind on
their payments.
now it has emerged Theresa May’s
government backed an EU edict
making new vehicle ‘black boxes’
mandatory. These track driving styles
and store data such as speed and
direction before a crash. The kit, at

the centre of European Commission
road safety plans, has to be in new
cars from May 2022 and existing ones
two years later. But former Cabinet

minister David Davis said the legisla-
tion should be debated after Brexit.
He and Tory MP Andrew Bridgen
both said it is an invasion of privacy.
Mr Davis accepts young drivers get
cheaper insurance if they have a
black box, but said: ‘It’s the equiva-
lent of wearing a tag. Why would driv-
ers want a black box?
‘If this technology needs to be fitted
for exports to EU then fine. But what
we do on British roads is up to us.’
Mr Bridgen agreed: ‘This impinges
on privacy and is another step
towards Big Brother.
‘If this information gets into the
wrong hands people will be able to
know when drivers are away from
home and where they have parked.
‘This could be invaluable to the
criminal fraternity.’
Around 80 per cent of the 170,
new Mercedes cars sold in Britain
last year were on finance. Mercedes
said the sensors only activate when
customers default and that is set
out in the terms and conditions of
its contracts.

‘As I thought... you’ve
got a tracker fitted’

By James Salmon

Transport Editor


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