Daily Mail - 21.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

Daily Mail, Wednesday, August 21, 2019 Page 

‘Cop killer’

winks at

his family

from dock

was charged with PC Harper’s
murder and the theft of a quad
bike and appeared at Reading
Magistrates’ Court yesterday
morning. Wearing a prison-issue
tracksuit, he was handcuffed as he
entered the packed court.
The defendant’s mother, Jolene
Hannington, was joined by numer-
ous relatives and friends. She
clutched a large teddy dressed in
a Superman outfit as she gazed at
her son. Foster’s voice cracked
twice as he confirmed his name,
age and address. The two charges

  • of murder and theft of a quad

bike – were read out but no pleas
were taken.
He was joined at the side of the
packed courtroom by an ‘appro-
priate adult’, which can be allot-
ted if a suspect is deemed ‘men-
tally vulnerable’.
‘On behalf of him and his family,
I want to say three things,’ defence
lawyer Rob Jacques said.
‘He denies any involvement in
the horrific murder of PC Harper.
He urges the police to follow all
lines of enquiry, and for the public

to come forward and co-operate.’
District Judge Davinder Lachhar
replied: ‘No doubt enquiries are
still ongoing. Whatever he wants

Foster winked towards his family
as he was led away, before another
court hearing set for today.
Outside court, Mr Jacques stood
with Foster’s mother and said: ‘He
emphatically denies any responsi-
bility or involvement in the horrific
murder of PC Andrew Harper.’
Miss Hannington had earlier
defended her son on Facebook,
saying: ‘We know you would never
be capable of such a horrible hor-
rific act.’
Foster was charged on Monday

evening after investigators at
Thames Valley Police were granted
an extra 24 hours to question ten
suspects, with the remaining nine
bailed until September 13.
All ten were arrested at a nearby
caravan park within an hour of the
incident. The youngest was just
13, while the oldest was 30.
On Monday night, PC Harper’s
widow, Lissie, paid tribute to her
husband, describing him as ‘the
kindest, loveliest, most selfless’
person’. She added: ‘There is not
enough paper in the world to even
begin to write a tribute for you,
but no one deserves it more.’
Yesterday, dozens of well-wish-
ers continued to lay flowers at the
crash site. Donations also con-
tinue to pour in to support PC
Harper’s bereaved family.
The Just Giving fundraising page
set up by the Thames Valley Police
Federation to support the officer’s
family broke the £230,000 mark
last night.
The page reads: ‘We know there
is a risk when we put on the uni-
form but we do so as we are proud
to protect the public. Sadly, on
very rare and horrendous occa-
sions, a colleague makes the ulti-
mate sacrifice. We will ensure that
heroism is never forgotten.’
[email protected]

THE alleged killer of PC Andrew
Harper winked at his family from
the dock during his first appear-
ance in court yesterday.
Jed Foster, 20, is accused of murder-
ing newlywed PC Harper in a collision
near Sulhamstead in Berkshire, after
allegedly stealing a quad bike from a
nearby home, a court heard.
His lawyer told the court Foster denied
any involvement in the ‘horrific murder’.
The suspect later winked to his family as
he was escorted from the dock.
PC Harper, a 28-year-old traffic officer, is
thought to have been dragged under a
vehicle in Thursday’s tragedy that shocked
the nation. He and his colleagues were
responding to reports of a burglary.
Amid tight security, the hero officer’s
grieving mother, Deborah Adlam, came
face to face with the alleged killer at the
first court hearing since charges were
brought on Monday night.
Foster, from Burghfield, near Reading,

By Josh White

‘He denies any

Tight security: The accused Jed Foster on his way to court yesterday





No plea:
Foster in a
photo on

Tributes: PC Andrew Harper and wife Lissie Support: Foster and his mother Jolene

Brought to court, man, 20, accused of murdering hero PC

to say about the offences them-
selves, he will have the opportu-
nity at Crown Court.’
After the three-minute hearing,

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