Daily Mail - 21.08.2019

(vip2019) #1

Page 12 Daily Mail, Wednesday, August 21, 2019

All the fun of

the Fuhrer...

A THEME park ride has been

closed down in Germany
because of its resemblance
to the swastika.
Visitors to the Tatzmania park
noticed that the Adlerflug –
Eagle fly – ride opened up
when in flight to look like a pair
of the Nazi symbols. It is illegal
to display emblems of the Third
Reich in Germany.
Boss of the park Rüdiger
Braun said he didn’t realise the
likeness until he saw a video

circulated online. He apolo-
gised to ‘everyone who feels
disturbed or offended’.
The ride features one long
arm with two sets of four spin-
ning carriages. It is when they

rotate that they look like
The attraction opened at the
end of July but has now been
closed. Owners of Tatzmania,
which is in the town of Löffin-
gen, south-west of Stuttgart,
plan to redesign the ride.
The crooked cross is an
ancient symbol from southern
Asia and is still sacred to follow-
ers of Hinduism and Buddhism.
The discovery of old Eastern
civilisations by Western explor-
ers led to the symbol’s popu-
larity in Europe – and later its
adoption by the Nazis as a sym-
bol of nationalist pride.

Mail Foreign Service

A Reich blunder: The pair of swastikas formed by the now-closed theme park ride in Germany


‘Nick’ bids

to overturn


THE VIP child sex abuse
fantasist known as ‘Nick’
is appealing against his
conviction for lying about
the existence of an Establish-
ment paedophile ring, it
emerged yesterday.
Carl Beech, 51, has lodged
papers with the Court of Appeal
applying for permission to try to
overturn the unanimous guilty
verdicts handed down following a
lengthy trial this summer.
The convicted paedophile –
described by trial judge Mr Justice
Goss as a ‘resourceful, manipulative
and devious person’ – is also appeal-
ing against the length of his 18-year
prison sentence.
Beech was convicted of 12 counts
of perverting the course of justice

Defendants wishing to appeal
against a conviction must apply for
permission within 28 days of the
judgement. Beech’s application was
lodged exactly 28 days after he was
convicted at Newcastle Crown
Court, following a ten-week trial.
He was sentenced four days later –
handed 15 years for the perverting
the course of justice offences.
A judge will now be instructed to
assess Beech’s application in private
and decide whether to grant permis-
sion for a public Court of Appeal
hearing. The initial application proc-
ess alone can take up to five months.
Sir Edward’s godson Lincoln Selig-
man said: ‘After a pointless ten-week
trial, where he enjoyed the opportu-
nity to trot out his full quota of lies, a
period of silence on Mr Beech’s part
would be welcome. His victims, their
families and the public have heard
more than enough from him.’
Among other wild tales, Beech –
who fled the country to a remote
area of Sweden while on bail – said
the former head of MI5 kidnapped
his dog, and the gang flew him to
Paris on a private Boeing 747 jet to
be abused.
Sentencing Beech, Mr Justice Goss
said he ‘repeatedly and maliciously
told lies to the police’, accusing ‘liv-
ing persons of the highest integrity
and decency of vile acts’.
As a result of Beech’s fantasies, the
homes of Lord Bramall, Mr Proctor
and former home secretary Leon
Brittan were raided by the Metro-
politan Police. Key officers have since
been accused of acting unlawfully in
obtaining the search warrants.
Retired High Court judge Sir Rich-
ard Henriques, who wrote a highly-
critical report into Operation Mid-
land, told the Daily Mail that the
‘course of justice was perverted with
shocking consequences’.

By Glen Keogh
and Stephen Wright

and one count of fraud after claiming
that prominent public figures includ-
ing former Prime Minister Sir Edward
Heath, former head of the Army Lord
Bramall and former Tory MP Harvey
Proctor were members of a murder-
ous paedophile ring.
His fantastical allegations spurred
the Metropolitan Police into launch-
ing its disastrous Operation Midland
investigation, which closed without a
single arrest.
He was also sentenced for sex
offences relating to indecent images
of children found on a laptop and
voyeurism. Prosecutors said that
while ruining the lives and legacies of
prominent individuals with his wild
allegations, Beech was a ‘committed
and manipulative paedophile’.
Yesterday the Court of Appeal
Criminal Division confirmed he had
applied for permission to appeal.

‘Persons of the
highest integrity
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