Soap Opera Digest – August 19, 2019

(Tina Sui) #1



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moment of every day I’ll be
wondering why our little girl
was taken from us.”
And yet no investigation
of Beth’s fake death certifi-
cate, no questions for the
“doctor” who delivered her,
no police inquiry, no head-
stone. So, not really.
Where are Bill, Katie,
Eric, Quinn, Rick, Maya....
Where’s the joy? It’s all
creepy darkness since

Thomas hit town. The least
they could do is script Bill
conspiring to steal the next
Forrester collection or Sally
working to expose Flo’s
lies. Heck, I’d even take Zoe
and her dead cat over The
Thomas Frown Affair.
Flo: “You manipulated Hope
into a marriage she doesn’t
even want!”
Thomas: “She’s mine now.
You’re going to keep this
secret until the day you die.”
Liam (overhearing): “What

■ Soaps are building to
some boffo payoffs, and it’s
about time.
■ How long can we watch
a vile character take over an
entire show? If it’s B&B’s
recast Thomas Forrester, the
answer is five months and
counting. His wedding to
Hope was as loveless and
unpleasant as you’d think,
given that Hope doesn’t
even like him and it was her
third ceremony in a year.
(She’s going for Brooke’s
record.) You know the wed-
ding’s a bust when the best
moment is Grandpa Eric
threatening to jump in the
bouncy house.
Eric: “This is happening!”
Quinn: “No, it’s not.”
The only person who
supported the nuptials was
Ridge, whose brains are as
MIA as Thomas’s mother,
Taylor. Chalk up another
“loving” event on this show
that looked like a hostage
Liam: “You took advantage
of Hope. What kind of man
does that?”
Thomas: “Hope’s man,

for the rest of our lives.
I’m her husband now and
there’s nothing you can do to
change that.”
Yes, Thomas, I’m sure
her fourth marriage before
the age of 30 will be the
charm. And by all means
rough up your toddler and
threaten to abandon him
because he overheard you
again discussing The Giant
Secret That No One Can

Ever Find Out About.
Thomas: “You can never say
Beth’s name ever again.”
Douglas: “Beth is alive.
Beth is alive. Baby Beth is
Kids! Douglas is cute,
but hardly worth marrying
a psychopath just to be his
“new mommy.” Hope could
still read to the kid with-
out having to boff Hannibal
Lecter, even if she did see
Douglas as a replacement for
her dead/not dead baby.
Hope (to Liam): “Every

Soaps are building to some
boffo payoffs.


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