Soap Opera Digest – August 19, 2019

(Tina Sui) #1

Now you’re talking.
Bring on the p-a-y-o-f-f.
■ Like Jack getting his
memory back on DAYS.
His amnesia has gone
on waaaaay too long,
causing him to go from
slapstick do-gooder to
immigrant-hating law-
breaker. Worse, he’s
mean to the love of his
life, Jennifer — but it
looks like that’s about to
Jack: “You’re convinced
that when I lost my memory
I lost my...”
Jennifer: “...compassion,
scruples, basic humanity.
You’ve had every opportu-
nity to change that, but you
Ah, yes. The magic
potion that will restore
Jack’s memory (except that
Eve replaced it with a fake).
I don’t connect to serums
and face-swapping, but I’m
up for a reunited Jack and
Jen hanging their ornaments
on the Horton tree together
while a disgraced Eve peers
through the window.
And, when faced with a
report of “Nicole” opening
the door to Gabi wearing a
Mexican wrestling mask,
Stefan’s response was funny:
“Maybe she was having a
bad face day.”
■ We’re all counting down
to the big Wiley reveal on
GH but I don’t mind wait-
ing until Carly has her
baby so she can go nuts on
Nelle for letting her brother
Lucas raise (and then lose)
Michael’s “dead” baby.
Nelle is an enjoyable psy-

to give you a bone marrow
transplant? Or when your
brother Lucky “died” and
she had to break the news
to you? Or the many times
your own parents Luke and
Laura split up? Like that.
Using the past to inform the
present makes the scenes so
much richer.
■ Y&R’s Adam better hope^
kids are resilient, because
what he’s doing to Christian
to get revenge on Nick is
Adam: “Keep your phone on
during the hearing.”
Adam’s lawyer: “That’s
against the rules.”
Phyllis: “Have you met your
The incriminating photo
of Nick that Adam leaked
to the tabloids resulted in
the judge granting custody to
... Victoria? ... which some-
how surprised the hotheaded
Nick: “I don’t care if I have
a lawyer or not, I need this
settled today!”
Acting like an impatient
moron shouldn’t have cost
Nick his son, but this back-
from-the-dead recast Adam
will do anything to hurt his
own family. He’s due for
a comedown, and Billy,
Phyllis and Kevin are just
the crooks to do it.
Kevin (to Michael): “I wasn’t
suggesting we murder him.
Given Adam’s track record,
it wouldn’t stick anyway.”
Murder? Now that’s a
boffo payoff.
■ Hey. It’s only my

cho. Unlike B&B’s Thomas,
she’s funny and doesn’t take
over the entire show to the
detriment of the other action.
I’m also interested in
Shiloh’s murky past with
Drason (what, you thought
I’d call him Jew?) in the mil-
itary. It was smart of GH to
show flashbacks of Shiloh
and Drew using Jason’s face
because it reminds us that
Jason and Drew were iden-
tical twins before Drew’s
surgery. Shiloh’s takedown
will be sweet, especially
now that we know that in
addition to sexually assault-
ing young women he steals
bartender tips to pay for his
drinks. Tsk tsk.
I’m less on board with
Laura counseling Lulu on
her long-awaited divorce
from Dante, because GH
didn’t play her history.
Laura (counseling Lulu how
to tell Charlotte and Rocco):
“Kids are very resilient.”
Hey, Lesley Lu —
remember when you had
aplastic anemia and Laura
went out and found a son
she forgot she had birthed

All-Points Bulletin: Here’s to
B&B’s Eric (John McCook)
and Quinn (Rena Sofer)
returning to the canvas



















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