Best – 13 August 2019

(vip2019) #1

‘boastful’, according to Vogue
editor Edward Enninful.
The chosen women range
from New Zealand premier
Jacinda Ardern to actress-
turned-activist Jane Fonda,
climate campaigner Greta
Thunberg and transgender
actress Laverne Cox. Meghan
also includes an interview with
Michelle Obama, in which the
pair discuss motherhood and
female role models.
The issue has not had a
universally warm response.
One tweet called it ‘vacuous
rubbish’ and another branded
it as ‘absolutely awful’.
Also, as the Royal family is

supposed to remain strictly
apolitical, eyebrows have
been raised at Meghan’s
involvement. It’s ironic that
she has joined one of the most
conservative and hidebound
institutions in the world, but
is so vocally calling for change,
even if in rather woolly terms.
‘I want to shine a light in
a world filled with seemingly
daily darkness,’ she said.
Another bone of contention
is the striking similarity
between the Vogue issue and
a charity coffee table book
called The Game Changers,
published in Australia in

  1. Similarly, it featured
    15 ‘inspirational’ women on
    the cover – one of whom was
    Meghan, who also wrote an
    essay for the book.
    One of the authors,
    Samantha Brett, said, ‘It is
    very flattering. She obviously
    likes our concept.’
    Meghan’s involvement in
    magazine publishing, and the
    announcement that she is
    launching a charity fashion
    range, is another indication,
    say onlookers, that she and
    Harry appear to feel they can
    accept all the benefits of being


rom the very early
stages of their
partnership, it
was clear that Harry and
Meghan would be a Royal
couple with a difference

  • and an agenda. But
    now, one Royal expert
    has warned that their
    determination to control
    their own destiny,
    while still making their
    opinions known, is
    leading to ‘disaster’.
    The latest headline-grabber
    is Meghan’s stint as guest
    editor on glitzy fashion bible
    Vogue. Her September issue
    has Forces For Change as the
    cover slogan, with pictures
    of 15 women chosen by the
    Duchess for their ‘influence’

  • plus a mirror, so that the
    reader can look at their own
    reflection and take inspiration.
    Meghan does not appear
    on the cover herself, as she
    is said to have considered it

As ‘headstrong’ Harry and

‘nightmare’ Meghan continue

to make waves, an expert

warns they need to heed

advice before it’s too late

Duke &

Duchess of


Royal watchers
say Harry and
Meghan ‘just
don’t take advice’

Princess Diana
was outspoken
about ‘The Firm’

Now, Meghan
seems to be
going ‘nuclear’
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