Best – 13 August 2019

(vip2019) #1


best for REAL LIFE


t all started with my
wedding, when I wore
yellow ballet pumps
and yellow feathers
around my wrist. It was
my husband-to-be Dean’s
idea to make the bright
colour the theme for
our big day.
Although I was so excited
to be tying the knot with the
man of my dreams, there
was one person missing from
our big day. My dad, Terry.
I wished more than
anything he could’ve been
there to see me get married,
but Dad passed away when
I was just two months old,
after battling cancer.
Dean suggested including
yellow as a tribute, as it had

The colour yellow helped Ella London feel connected to her dad on her

wedding day. Now, she’s bringing sunshine to every moment of her life...

been Dad’s favourite colour.
From the photos I’d seen
and the stories Mum had told
me, I knew Dad had been
sunshine personified.
I thought Dean’s idea was
brilliant. We had yellow
flowers in the buttonholes
and bouquets and, after the
ceremony, we had a sign
that Dad approved – strange
algae in a nearby lake turned
the water yellow. As soon
as we saw it, we raced off to
take photos.
At first, we thought yellow
would be the wedding colour
and that would be it. But Dad
had died when I was so young,
I’d never had a connection
with him. As I put the finishing
golden touches to the wedding,

something clicked, and my
journey to sunshine began...
Now, 11 years later, we’ve
gone from having a little
bit of yellow here and there
to letting the most vibrant
colour in the rainbow take
over my wardrobe, our
house... our lives!
Dean jokes that, if it had
been pink, we wouldn’t be
married now – then I remind
him this was all his idea.
Fortunately, Dean’s always
liked yellow. Back when we
were dating, he had bright
yellow files in his office
instead of boring grey ones.
After our wedding, I’d spot
a yellow dress, bag or fluffy
cushion and buy it for my
burgeoning collection.

At first, I didn’t insist on
wearing only yellow and
always yellow, but as the years
went on, one yellow item led
to another. Now, I even have
a yellow car with the number
plate B Yellow.
I’ve got a pair of yellow
shoes on every step of our
stairs. I’ve got a yellow
Christmas tree I keep up all
year round, and there are
adorable yellow ornaments
hanging from it. I made
my own yellow Christmas
stocking with a lot of yellow
pom poms on it!
All the LPs I play on my
yellow record player are
yellow – my favourite is
Beyoncé’s Lemonade. Even
my picture frames and

I’m Little Miss Su

Baby Ella with her
parents – she lost
her dad when she
was two months old Her home is
a shrine to the
sunshine colour

Ella only wears
yellow clothes
these days
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