Vintage Rock – September-October 2019

(lu) #1


usic runs deep in the blood of Danny “O”, frontman of one of the hottest
new acts on the British rockabilly scene. Taking his stage name from his
father Paul Dawkins – of Paul “O” & His Big Guitar – Danny first drew attention
with The Caezars and Thee DB3 before assembling The Astrotones last year. The quartet –
featuring guitarist Sam French, drummer Curtis Doel and bassist Steve Neller – arrive with a
bang on their debut album Introducing..., a reminder of the visceral power of rockabilly.

You recorded your dad’s song Machine
Gun on the album?
He unfortunately had an accident in 2003
that left him wheelchair-bound and unable
to play guitar. I started playing guitar a few
years after that and I’ve always done at least
one of his songs in all of the bands that I’ve
been in as a way to keep the flag flying.
I used his old guitar when I was playing
with The Caezars. We played at a festival in

Spain and the airline lost my Telecaster. It
was the weekend before my 18th birthday,
I got back, and he gave me this homemade
guitar called the Astrotone, so that’s why
the band is called The Astrotones. It’s been
passed down to me to do the job of scaring
people with loud rock’n’roll music.

Do you still play that guitar now?
My guitar is a copy of Dad’s guitar built by


Danny “O” (third from left) and his
snazzily-garbed Astrotones

Danny “O”

& The Astrotones

Sharp threads, killer riffs, and a handmade guitar launch

The Astrotones into the rockabilly stratosphere

a very good friend of mine called Little Carl
and it’s called Astrotone Mark II. I didn’t
want to tour with Dad’s guitar anymore, it
had been signed by Link Wray, it has a huge
emotional attachment, and I didn’t really
want to be playing it night in, night out. I’ve
broken it twice as it is. Now I use the Mark
II, but I still take Dad’s guitar to every gig
and it’s my back-up. I realised by having
Dad’s guitar there, he’s always got my back,
which sounds a little bit corny. I didn’t do
it for that reason, but he pointed it out to
me. He passed away last year, which makes
everything bittersweet with it.

Did you have some time away from music
after The Caezars split?





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