Vintage Rock – September-October 2019

(lu) #1


hat would Elvis have made
of his music being re-imagined
on album and stage with the
lush strings of the Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra? Jerry Schilling, one of the
King’s oldest friends, can only speak
for himself.
“I’m pretty much a purist on Elvis’
music, but I remember being in Russia
on a little boat going up the Volga River
many years ago. It was all Russian language
radio stations, and the remix of A Little
Less Conversation came on. It was a little
throwaway song from the movie Live A
Little, Love A Little, but an Italian engineer
updated the song and it was a huge hit.
I remember thinking, wow, if somebody can
do it properly and my friend can get new
audiences and be listened to around the
world, then I think it’s worthwhile.
“As for putting together the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra with Elvis’ great
vocals,” Schilling continues, “Elvis was
such a lover of all kinds of music: classical
music, operatic music – he had no limits
or boundaries. He had a little bit of an
orchestra on some songs, but he would have
loved to have sung with a full orchestra, and
especially the Royal Philharmonic.”
Schilling also confi rms that Elvis would
have loved to tour the UK before his death

in 1977, were it not for opposition from his
manager, Colonel Tom Parker.
“I was at a meeting about that with Elvis
and Colonel Parker in 1974. Elvis told the
Colonel, ‘I’m going to tour overseas.’ The
Colonel replied, ‘If you do, you’ll do it
without me.’ And Elvis said, ‘You’re fi red.’
He actually fi red him over that.”
It was a short-lived parting, of course.
“They had a great respect for each other,”
Schilling continues. “It was the fi rst and
only time I heard them raise their voices.
But that was why Elvis bought a plane, the
Lisa Marie. He had a real desire to see his
fans around the world, especially in the UK,
because we had so many fans who came
from England to see the Vegas shows.”
As one of the most trusted members
of Presley’s entourage, Schilling reveals
his part in the King’s plans to tour
outside America.

“He sent me and Joe Esposito on a
month’s vacation to Europe at that time.
I think he was wanting to, without offi cially
doing it, wanting us to check out the foreign
markets in Germany and the UK.
“I talked to Tom Hewlett at Concerts
West, who was Elvis’ promoter. I’d talked
to the Colonel and he said, ‘You know Tom
Hewlett, why don’t you talk to him about
the tour?’
“So young, naive me, I got with Tom. The
next day, I was walking down the hall with
the Colonel and I said, ‘Colonel, I talked to
Tom and he said he could do it.’ The Colonel
threw his cane down the hall and said, ‘Then
you handle it!’
“I didn’t make any more suggestions for a
while,” Schilling chuckles.
Presley’s collaboration with the RPO was
the brainchild of Australian music mogul
Don Reedman, who co-produced the album
If I Can Dream in 2015 with Nick Patrick.
The disc shot to No.1 in the UK. It was
followed by further releases The Wonder
Of You and Christmas With Elvis And The
RPO, along with several tours that saw the
celluloid Elvis singing on a big screen above
the orchestra and band.
For the latest tour in November, the RPO
will be augmented by Elvis’ original TCB
Band, including lead guitarist James

When Elvis In Concert With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

returns this November, it will be in the company of Jerry

Schilling. We talked to one of Presley’s closest confi dantes









Elvis In Concert

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