
(Steven Felgate) #1
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of the six-foot tall door-
man. The story goes
that no underaged punk
could ever get past him
to watch an adult movie.
And when African Safari
was playing in the the-
atre, people went to
watch the tall doorman
dressed as a Masai with
a spear, as much as the
movie itself!
—Arunava Sen
Gupta, Kolkata

Soumitra Das’s article
reminded me of the glory
days of the Mayfair Cine-
ma in Lucknow. By the
time I was eight, it was
seeing its last days, but
my father had told me so
many stories that I knew
all about its reputation.
One of the anecdotes I
recall my father sharing
was that catcalling front-
benchers would never
dare besmirch the ambi-
ence of Mayfair with their
presence. The movie-
goers would watch the
choicest of English films
and then savour the best
ice cream at the adjoining
Kwality’s shop, in the
heart of Hazratganj. The
article made me pine for
the good old days when it

was quite an ‘experience’
to go to the movies.
—prithvijeet sinha,

Our House is on Fire
In her heartfelt speech,
Greta Thunberg points
out the negligence of
world leaders towards
climate crisis at the
World Economic Forum.
“Our house is on fire”,
quite literally, with all
the greenhouse gases
being emitted into the
atmosphere. The crisis
is probably much worse
than we can even imag-
ine. It’s high time we set
aside our anthropocen-
tric attitude and ques-
tioned our lifestyle
choices. Living in de-
nial is not an option:
We must do our bit to
save our planet, because
the greatest threat today
is the hope that some-
one else will save it.
—Vaidehi Pandit,

Delhi’s Water Man
Alagarathnam Natarajan
aka matkaman is doing
yeoman service to society
by performing the simple
yet challenging task of

Reader’s Digest

readersdigest.co.in 21

quenching the thirst of
so many people in the
national capital. He de-
serves accolades from
all quarters for rendering
great service—not only
in satisfying the thirsty,
but also providing nutri-
tious food to schoolchil-
dren who really need it.
May God grant this Good
Samaritan more strength
to carry on his good work,
and also taste the fruits
of his labour.
—Sanjib Kumar Das,

The Genius Section
The new Genius section
is beautiful and meaning-
ful. The article on reading
habits was thought-pro-
voking. A reading habit
is indeed priceless, as it
keeps our mind active
and healthy. It’s neces-
sary to keep reading, not
just for knowledge but
also for one’s personal
growth and development.
—Beena mathur, Pune
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