
(Steven Felgate) #1
readersdigest.co.in 31

Reader’s Digest


when you die, you are put on a
pedestal. The terrible faults you
possess while you’re alive are
transformed into wonderful qualities
as soon as you’ve gone.
BEFORE: He has a really nasty disposi-
tion. He flies into a rage at the drop of a


in the


ByAnne Roumanoff

hat, he’s unbearable. AFTER: He was
quite a character. He was certainly never
one to let people take advantage of him.
BEFORE: He eats too much, he drinks
too much. He’s got high cholesterol
and a damaged liver. AFTER: He was a
bon viveur, an epicurean who knew
how to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.
BEFORE: I’ve never seen such a nosy
blabbermouth of a woman, a real scan-
dalmonger. She’s the ultimate gossip
queen. AFTER: She had an unfailing
interest in other people and a perma-
nent need to communicate with them.
BEFORE:She spends all her time at the
hairdresser’s, her make-up is a real
paint job, and she blows all her money
on clothes. AFTER:She was always per-
fectly turned-out and elegant, with a
completely individual sense of style.
BEFORE:I’ve never seen such a miser,
he won’t even give you the time of day.
AFTER: He had a very rare type of gene-
rosity, in fact he was so rarely generous
that it made those occasions
very precious.
BEFORE: He complains about feeling
lonely but he’s fallen out with everyone,
nobody can stand him anymore.
AFTER: He was very selective about his
friends. His very high standards ren-
dered him a happy loner.
BEFORE: To be honest, I won’t miss
him very much. AFTER:You will remain
forever present in our hearts.

Anne Roumanoff is a well-known French

ind humourist. She lives in Paris.





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