Garden Gate – October 2019

(Michael S) #1 | GARDEN GATE 21

Double Knock Out rose This is a truly maintenance-f ree
rose that will bloom f rom late spring until f rost, luring
visitors to its double candy-apple-red flowers with a slight
spicy f ragrance. It boasts excellent resistance to pests as
well as blackspot and downy mildew diseases, and it looks
good as a low hedge or as part of a mix with other shrubs
and perennials. There’s no need to cut off spent blossoms
because this is a self-cleaning rose.

Invincibelle Spirit® hydrangea This hardy
adaptable native shrub works well in the border
because it stays under 4 feet tall. Invincibelle
Spirit is the f irst-ever pink
smooth hydrangea, produc-
ing loads of snowball-
shaped blooms f rom early
summer to f rost. Dark
pink buds open bright
pink, fading to soft pink
and f inally to green.

Bend in the road
This path’s sinuous
curves are pleasing
to the eye. Note how
the path meanders
around a yew, creating
a sense of mystery. | GARDEN GATE 21

Double Knock Out rose This is a truly maintenance-f ree
rose that will bloom f rom late spring until f rost, luring
visitors to its double candy-apple-red flowers with a slight
spicy f ragrance. It boasts excellent resistance to pests as
well as blackspot and downy mildew diseases, and it looks
good as a low hedge or as part of a mix with other shrubs
and perennials. There’s no need to cut off spent blossoms
because this is a self-cleaning rose.

Invincibelle Spirit® hydrangea This hardy
adaptable native shrub works well in the border
because it stays under 4 feet tall. Invincibelle
Spiritis the f irst-ever pink
smooth hydrangea, produc-
ing loads of snowball-
shaped blooms f rom early
summer to f rost. Dark
pink buds open bright
pink, fading to soft pink
and f inally to green.

Bend in the road
This path’s sinuous
curves are pleasing
to the eye. Note how
the path meanders
around a yew, creating
a sense of mystery.
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