Garden Gate – October 2019

(Michael S) #1

78 GARDEN GATE | The Perfect Autumn Garden | OCTOBER 2019 | ISSUE 149

The perfect path There are two important reasons for paths: First,
they’re functional. Their job is to get you somewhere. Second, paths create lines in
your landscape. They direct your attention to a destination. Sometimes they do it in
a roundabout manner, as with curved lines. Other times they take you straight to
the point. Either way, your eyes follow along, whether you end up actually walking
the path or not. So how do you enhance the line and maintain easy access to the
path? Here are some planting ideas to help you do just this! Then find out just how
great seedheads can be along a path in fall and winter, as well as some other tips for
incorporating them into your garden.

COME ON IN! Most gates are made
for keeping something or someone
out, but this one has such an open
design that it actually welcomes you in.
The arched “window” gives you a peek
down the path and shows you just
enough of the garden that you want to
see more.
The end of a straight path is a good
place for a focal point. That’s because
the lines create a perspective, seeming
to come together toward a narrow
opening at the path’s end.

KEEP IT CLEAN By fall, it’s tempting
to let things go, but if you want to keep
using your path, keep those leaves
raked up or swept off. A few fallen
leaves scattered along this path are
charming, but nobody wants to shuffl e
through a pile up to their knees or slip
and slide on wet leaves.

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78 GARDEN GATE | The Perfect Autumn Garden | OCTOBER 2019 | ISSUE 149

The perfect path There are two important reasons for paths: First,
they’re functional. Their job is to get you somewhere. Second, paths create lines in
your landscape. They direct your attention to a destination. Sometimes they do it in
a roundabout manner, as with curved lines. Other times they take you straight to
the point. Either way, your eyes follow along, whether you end up actually walking
the path or not. So how do you enhance the line and maintain easy access to the
path? Here are some planting ideas to help you do just this! Then find out just how
great seedheads can be along a path in fall and winter, as well as some other tips for
incorporating them into your garden.

COME ON IN! Most gates are made
for keeping something or someone
out, but this one has such an open
design that it actually welcomes you in.
The arched “window” gives you a peek
down the path and shows you just
enough of the garden that you want to
see more.
The end of a straight path is a good
place for a focal point. That’s because
the lines create a perspective, seeming
to come together toward a narrow
opening at the path’s end.

KEEP IT CLEAN By fall, it’s tempting
to let things go, but if you want to keep
using your path, keep those leaves
raked up or swept off. A few fallen
leaves scattered along this path are
charming, but nobody wants to shuffl e
through a pile up to their knees or slip
and slide on wet leaves.
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